I'm starting to freak out
I am new to this support area, so I just wanted to introduce myself. I am scheduled for surgery 5/14/04, which seemed so far away when this all started. Now I find myself getting more and more anxious and nervous..is this normal? I researched this all before anything was scheduled, but now that it really is scheduled the more I read and the closer it gets the more freaked out I am becoming. Just need to know this is normal?
It's totally normal, and really just means that you truly understand that their are some risks associated with WLS. I think if someone could just sail into the OR without a care in the world, their understanding of the process and changes that will take place in their life would not be at all realistic. I was totally committed to having the surgery, couldn't wait - then, about a week before, kept getting more & more nervous. It really took a lot of courage to go in that morning - but it was the best thing I ever did!! I'm so happy I could finally do something that would help me lose the weight, and keep it off, which has ruled my life for so long. I'm only 4 months out, but so many changes already - I have cheekbones! And collarbones!! Who knew? I can cross my legs... and walk up stairs...and (almost) wear a size 14!! did I mention I'm wearing a pretty blue bra?? Wow!
Anyway, best of luck to you with your journey. After surgery (the next day or so), don't be surprised if you get the "oh, my God, what have I done?" reaction - that's common, too. Once the pounds start coming off, it'll all be worth it.
Hi Carol -
You and I have the same surgeon!
I have my first consult with him on 5/13.
I've been hanging around the boards for about two months now. From everything I've read, it's absolutely normal to be nervous. A major change of any sort is nerve-racking.
Do you participate in any relaxation techniques? I use breathing exercises, aromatherapy and meditation (alternating) when I get anxious about things. I find it works. If that's a little 'new agey' for you, perhaps an online chat to talk about your concerns with people who have been there?
Also, do you attend BWH's support group? I haven't attended myself, but I hear that its a good resource.
- Sharon

Hi Sharon,
Dr Lautz is an angel. I have not attending any of the BWH support groups with my job I can not make it in time and they do not have anything on the weekends. I am looking into something to help me relax beacuse I will be a wreck in the hospital so not sure what yet.
Thanks for responding