Called for appointment
I called Dr Ameri this morning and Im on his waiting list.
I was kinda bummed. They are at number 55 and Im number 90. She said that shes hoping to start calling in late april and that my initial consult might not be until july or so. I could travel into boston for this but i love all the reviews ive got on Dr Ameri and I want to be in a local hospital. Pick and choose my battles i guess
July will come fast right?
I know why this process takes so long, but humor me for a minute here and allow me to be whinny and childish for a few... Wouldnt it be just lovely if this thing could be decided upon and done all within say... umm.. i dont know, a month? lol
BTW I was wondering if anyone else feels like they are now constantly noticing their weight? I normally was able to avoid looking at myself in a mirror, and avoid thinking to much about it for a good bulk of the day as long as I wasnt near any people. But the past two days have been torture, Im very much noticing my body and how much i dislike about it. I think im kinda starting to become obsesive about wanting this surgery so bad. I need to get a hobby or im going to drive myself crazy over the next several months.

You know what Kristen, I feel the same way. I thought I was the only one. Before I switched surgeons my 1st initial consult was October. Imagine October!!?? I am glad I made the switch. I am really happy and since it is only 2 weeks away, I am really making myself mental....LOL.
We can obsess together....LOL....I know how you feel.
know where you're coming from, Kristen - I first talked to someone at work about WLS last fall, made a New Year's resolution to find out about it and make a decision, got the ok from my primary in Jan and had my first consult about a month ago. It wouldn't be until October if and when the surgery is done. and just last week, when I was sitting in a clothing store waiting for my cousin, did I finally look in a mirror and got hit between the eyes by what my real body image is - and I don't like it! It's become a real journey in self-discovery and self-honesty! I get more uncomfortable with myself everyday but knowing that I am taking some real, concrete steps to change things is a help.
You'll get through it, girl! one step at a time! and this extra time will help you make a good decision - it's not like you're buying a new pair of shoes, ya'know!!! lol.
good luck!
Hi Patricia
Im so glad you know what I meant in my post. I wasnt sure I phrased it correctly. Its a funny thing how a person can choose not see the reflextion in the mirror for so long and then just dont. I swear I only look at certain parts of myself briefly, like my eyes or skin whatever, i just focus on a part Im ok with and have for years avioded all I didnt want to see. I guess what everyone else has been seeing. Your right, self discovery
Im sire this will be an amazing, sometiems very painful journey, i just better start dealing with. Sure glad all of you are here to talk to. {cause my husband would think im a loony if i told him some of this stuff} lol

I think that, besides the need for all the approvals and testing and how busy all these doctors are, it is good for us to have to wait. As has been said, there needs to be this journey of honesty and self-discovery that really takes time. I think if anyone was to have surgery in say a month, it would be too quick and there would be trouble adjusting afterward. Did anyone watch that silly show The Swan last night on Fox? I am fascinated by those makeover shows, but one young woman really had a hard time with depression after her extensive plastic surgery. It makes you wonder how well prepared she was for such a drastic change. It is good that most programs require us to work on this psychological stuff before the surgery. And yes, Kristen, I think I have been more aware of my body since I started thinking about having WLS. I have been totally out of touch with my body for YEARS... ever since I was 15 and still felt fat when I weighed 112! I have heard the way to get over these issues is first to love your body the way it is. I think we have to do that before surgery so that we can take care of ourselves correctly afterward and work toward success.
Hi Luann
Yes I did see the Swan last night, I almost didnt think it was fair what they did to those women by not allowing them to see their own apperance for so long. Almost cruel on some level IMO. A person does need to adjust to such big changes and learn to mentaly deal with suddenly being societys definition of beautiful. They werent given that chance.
You know, it reminded me of a book I read a very long time ago, i want to say it was a Danielle Steel book? Only it was a bit different in that the woman gets in a car accident or something and i want to say her brain ends up being transplanted in another womans body who died that day?? Then she wakes up in the hospital and has to deal with suddenly being beautiful. Gee im rambling now, sorry lol
Anyway i agree with this surgery needing to be timed correctly. Im still day dreaming on what im going ot say to those people who know me but are not really friends when they approach me a yr or so from now and tell me how good i look. Thinking I would like to say "I already was beautiful, ive just gotten healthy." Kinda snooty I know shame on me, perhaps one day the anger of being shunned for being overweight will disappear.
Hi there,
Just was wondering if you ever thought of going to New England Medical Center. I faxed in my application the middle of November, had my first appointment in December, and my surgery on April 6th. I could have had it in March but had to wait till April because of personal commitments. It was so quick I never even had my time to think. The surgeon was awesome, and now I am on the road to my new life. Just wanted to put this out there to all of you having to wait such a long time.