I have a problem....
I just found out that my surgeon from BMC is moving his practice out of state in September. I called the surgeons office and they were like, we don't know what we are going to do yet or who will be covering. I said, well why did he make an October appt for my 1st initial consult if he was moving. They said that they didn't know what they were doing because they just found out themselves. They said that they will call patients when they figure out what is going on. I said OK.
I waited a few days and I decided to call my PCP and see if I could get a referral to someone else.
So I called my PCP and they told me to wait and see what the surgeons doing. I told them that they didn't know what they were doing. They said they shouldn't have made the appt with you if they were moving. I said I know that, that is why I am so confused right now. What do I do?? They said to call the surgeon back and find out. They should know.
So I hung up with the PCP's office and that is when I called the surgeons office back. They were shocked that I found out about the move so quickly and they wanted to know how I found out. I didn't tell them how I found out. I said (a fib because I don't want to get anyone into trouble) I found out from someone from a group that I attended. They said "Oh". Then they said that they still don't know how they are handling it yet and for me to call back in a week and they should know something by then. They will let patients know what is happening. (Yeah, right. I won't hold my breath waiting) So that is where I stand now.
This is just for a 1st initial appointment with the surgeon. I guess I am so frustrated. Why would you schedule a new patient for October when you must have known that in September you were moving. GGGrrrrrrr....I am taking this as a bad omen.
What do you think about this new revelation of mine?? I just want to get an appointment with a competant surgeon. And I have all the confidence in the world in this surgeon. He is the best.
Thanks for listening.
Hi Erin,
Don't take that a a bad omen...things that are a struggle usually are worthwhile and you ARE worth it. In my opinion I would forget about that surgeon and find another one. Your health is in YOUR hands, don't wait to find out that he isn't going to do anything. Not sure how far you are in the process but there are other doctors who are performing the surgerys in Taunton and Fall River. My Dr. is in Fall River and he has quite a reputation for being excellent. His name is Jesus Sosa if your interested. Stay positive, this is just a bump in the road and I know it's easier said than done. Hang in there!!!!

Your surgeon and his office sound kind of wishy washy to me... I'd find another surgeon. October is such a long way off, too. Keep that appointment for now, and do a little more research on the MA state database of surgeons on this site, and then maybe make another appointment with another surgeon. The hospital I had my surgery at has support meetings, and you're not under any obligation (i.e., you don't have to have a consultation scheduled) to go to it. Keep your chin up, the end result will be worth it to you!
Hi Erin
Im sorry that the one you want is leaving , I do however feel that if he is a great compotent surgeon he wouldnt just be leaving or even thinking about that as a priority but rather he should have concidered who his replacement will be and weather or not he feels comfortable recommending that surgeon to his patients. Otherwise he shouldnt have been planning on going anyplace. Whereas he has an obligation here with im sure many other patients. This is why personally im chooing to see a Dr in a local hospital, even though Im only ten minutes out from Boston. I dont like the patient shuffle you get in the larger teaching hospitals. My vote is for you to research a few more Dr's and pick one when you feel comfortable with the findings.
You know you live in MA where some of the best Drs are to begin with and people from all over the world travel here to be seen. Im sure there is another Dr as skilled, compotent, and availible as the first you choose.
Just gotta weed him out.
Good luck
I totally agree with you all. I do have 2 possibly 3 surgeons I have been checking on. I love Brigham and Women's Hospital. I don't know if B&W's accepts Tufts. If they do then I can try to find one there and call my PCP. They have to be "in the network" though. If I give her a name, then she will probably give me the referral. It is entirely up to my PCP. I do know that my local hospitals don't do WLS, which is why my PCP recommended Dr. Forse at BMC. So if anyone has Tufts HMO and has had WLS at Brigham & Women's, I will accept any recommendations that you have to offer.
But my PCP wants me to wait and see what Dr. Forse's office is going to do. So I will call them (Dr. Forse's office) back on Monday (at their request) and see what is going on. If they still don't know I will call my PCP with a new name and go from there. It is so frustrating. It is the not knowing what is going on that is driving me crazy. And the wait is so dreadfully long. I want to get things rolling now!! I am willing to wait (with heels dug into the ground) and I know sometimes that is all part of the process but why am I being made to wait even longer? (Sorry for being a broken record)
Well, anyways, that is my sad story. I am taking a deep **i*n*h*a*l*e**, **release** breath and I cannot help think that this is a really bad bad omen. I am trying hard to shake that feeling.
Thanks folks for the advice and kind words. I really needed it. You guys RAWK!!!
(((HUGS))) for you all!!