Michelle....how are you doing post op???
Ok it is me
I am doing ok now lots of pain, but a little better each day. Still with the Carnation INstant Breakfast 3 times a day hope that changes when i see the surgeon on Thurs,,just taking it easy and getting better by the day... It is an ordeal and a life change so takes time thanks for asking anything u want to know let me know....Michele

Hi Everyone
I am Michelle also. I had my surgery 6 days ago. I am feeling pretty good.
I am feeling a tingling sensation (not numbness or pins and needles) to the left area of my belly button. Not sure what it is and I do not want to call the doctor because I think it sounds silly.
I can not seem to locate SF CIB. I have everything else needed. Besides that, oh yeah and a scale. LOL - Have no idea how much I have lost as I do not have a scale as a rule. But DH is getting me one tomorrow, so I can check to see. God Bless You All