I'm HERE!!!!!
Here I am!!!!!
I'm 2 weeks post op today and doing GREAT!!!! I have lost 15 pounds! I feel good! Surgery went very well and I was in the hospital for 5 days. I'm still on liquids only and will be probably till tuesday when I see my dietitian. I saw my surgeon yesterday and things are looking great. My incisions look awesome, you can hardly see them. I just started to feel "normal' a few days ago so I havn't been around too much. But now that I'm feeling great I know I'll be here more often. I took photos of every step possible in the hospital (side/front view, in my room pre op, in the pre op room, in the recovery room and in my room after, also took some of my incisions) I have to finish off the roll and then will post what I can. I'll be back soon. Thanks Lisa for looking for me!!!!

Hey Kelley! I am so happy to hear how wonderful you are doing.
I am 6 days PRE op. I am having my surgery on April 1st and I am really excited for this to happen. Hearing how wonderful you are doing only makes me feel more at ease!
I have a few co workers who are criticizing me for having it.
"Why dont you just go on a diet, eat healthy and excerise?" HEY! Now there's an idea!!
LOL - they make me angry
but I am trying to avoid them as I do not have any time in my life for negativity! I also have another coworker who is like 2 years out and she helps me deal with the little shallow people like that
I also have another co worker, who is going for the surgery.
Her date, I think, is scheduled for October. So I have alot of positive people around me. It is just the others, ya know? UGH
Did you, or anyone, have that to deal with ? Got any recommendations?

Thank you all so much for the support! It feels so great to be a "LOSER" I'm just so excited! I was driving today and was just so happy, A few weeks ago, when I was driving I couldn't believe that I was going to have the surgery and today I was just like "WOW, I had the surgery, I'm alive and doing great" It was the greastest feeling in the world. I'm 2 weeks out and have no regrets what so ever!