First posting-
Hi - I had my surgery 12/3/03 and have been doing fairly well. I go to monthly support group meetings at NEMC, but didn't like the small group participants so I'm looking for help here! I've lost about 70 lbs, which is great, but I'm very itchy all over & wondering if anyone else has had that. I'm upping my vitamins in case that's it. I still want to eat all the time, is that normal? Thanks for any responses...

Hi Helen,
My name is Maribeth. I'm originally from Braintree. I also had my surgery at NEMC. I had Dr. Tarnoff who I adore. I had my surgery in May of 2002 and it saved my life. I myself haven't gotten involved in the small groups because I now live a distance from NEMC and the people I know who are in them weren't overly impressed.
As for the itchies, it's probably dry skin. Try as you might to drink drink drink our bodies just suck it up and we end up parched. I'd suggest lathering yourself in moisturizer (I use Keri, it's mild but effective). It doesn't hurt to keep your skin supple anyway. I also get itchy if I exercise in anything other that "optimum" temperatures. Too hot or too cold and WatchOUT! I've found that my body reacts different to so many things now. I can't use certain perfumes and lotions any more, same with laundry detergent. It's annoying, but well worth it.
Feel free to drop me a line any time. I'm in Braintree quite a bit as my family is still there. I'm also involved in a few groups locally with other people who've had surgery. We're a social support group and always looking for new faces.
Best wishes,
Great job on the weight loss
gotta love that meltin feeling.
Itchy is definately dry skin. Unfortunately it is still winter here in New England. Plus our fluid intake has definately dropped since surgery. Just use lotion and push the fluids. I have actually started using firming lotion with hopes it will help with the sagging skin too.
Best of luck.