Have a referral
Hi. I live in Brockton and have a referral to Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston. I am weighting for the paper work to come in the mail so I can get it filled out and get started. If any one has ANY information please send me all you have
I would really appreciate it. You can email me personnally at [email protected] or [email protected]. I have MassHealth, a whole host of co-morbities. My bmi is 68 and my weight is 385. Thanks in advance

I really don't have any knowledge about Beth Israel. But I do wish to send you best wishes on your jouney.
It took me a total of 14 months to get from 1st support group meeting to surgery in Worcester, MA. It is a long process, but it is worth seeing yourself melt away and feel soooooo much better physically and mentally.
Good luck,