I located two wonderful books on bariatric surgery, both which can be found, on-line, at or on eBay's Half-pricebooks. They are as follows:
1. Woodward, Bryan G., MPH,ICEP. "A Complete Guide to Obesity Surgery: Everything you need to know about weight loss surgery and how to succeed." Trafford Publishing, 200l. ISBN#1-55212-664-1. Paperback, 167 pages, $22.50 USD.
2. Flancbaum, Louis, M.D. "The Doctor's Guide to Weight Loss Surgery: How to Make the Decision That Could Save Your Life." Bantam Books, 2003. ISBN#0-553-38246-2. Paperback, 252 pages, $13.95 USD.
Both of these books are wonderful, but I found the first book to be more fact-filled and informational. I found the second book interesting as it contained a lot of first-person testamonials and had a question and answer section towards the end of the book. Both contain diagrams and drawings and list further resources.
Both are worth a look. Perhaps you can request that your dietician/ nutritionist have a couple of copies handy for loaning out. Best of luck to all of you/us!!!

