revision needed due to complications and I am soo scared!!! :

sherry K.
on 11/19/03 2:04 pm - boston, MA
I had the surgery in April of 97 and lost 100 pounds. I kept it off until about a year ago after the birth of my first daughter. I haven't been feeling well for the last year. I learned that I have a gastric ulcer, Barretts, and that my staple line is open. I need to have a revision on Dec. 17. After seeing the two very recent deaths on the news I am very scared.(I just learned of another). I know that revisions have more complications and have a higher risk, but I also need it. A month after my daughter was born my husband was diagnosed with cancer, Hodkins disease-stage 4. My daughter is also an IVF baby and I lost the other two. I know how precious life can be. Is any one out there had a revision and done ok? Is anyone else scared of the surgery. I have a lot of respect for NEMC, but to be honest I have had my share of communication problems. I have communicated my fears, but I feel like a pain in the ass most of the time. I need to say that my first surgery was hard, but changed my life for the better in so many ways. Thanks for reading. Best wishes to all of you!
Annie F.
on 11/20/03 5:27 am - Marshfield, MA
I don't have any specific experience with revisions...but DON'T LET THEM MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A PAIN IN THE ASS. After this just recent experience at BMC, I've decided that I am DONE being patient, solicitous and polite. I also have two special need children (twins) and have had three years of THEIR doctors patronizing me or not listening me and if I had taken that lying down, my autistic daughter would still be staring at particles of dust in a shaft of sunlight (No-one believed she was autistic when I KNEW IT at 15month...She's now 5 years old, and sparkling and wonderful...still autistic, but quite the little talker and diva!) SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREW THE RULES. The minute you even SENSE that someone is not taking you seriously, SNAP THEM BACK INTO SHAPE OR FIND SOMEONE ELSE AND LET GO OF THE NEED YOU HAVE TO EVERYONE LIKE YOU. It doesn't matter to me anymore if people in the medical profession LIKE me. Couldn't give a SH-T anymore. I'm too war weary and too bitter and too RIGHT too many times when they have been WRONG. SO DON'T GET SCARED...GET ANGRY! And take up your own advocacy like a sword and don't take no for answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE THAT HELPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck, Annie
Lisa G.
on 11/24/03 12:12 am - Waltham, MA
AMEN, Annie!!! I learned that the hard way, when dealing with my health issues in my early to mid 20's. I was told for years that all my problems were caused by my weight, rather than my weight being caused by my problems. I felt like I was talking to a wall when I said "The weight is a SYMPTOM, not a CAUSE." I'm finally getting the treatment I should have been getting at 16. I'm 32. I actually walked out of a nutritionist's office one day. She said "Walk me through a day. What do you eat?" I told her, and she looked me up and down and said, "That's impossible. There's no way that's all you're eating. Tell me the truth." I stared her in the eye, and said "So you're calling me a liar?" I picked up my bag and stood up to walk out. She was like "Where are you going?!" I said, "I don't have anything to gain by being dishonest except more weight. I don't have to sit here and listen to you call me a liar. I'll find someone that actually listens to her patients." NO ONE knows my body better than I do - I don't care how many little letters they have after their name. NO ONE. Stand up for yourself. Be confident in yourself and make sure you have that same confidence in your doctor.
Susan D.
on 11/21/03 11:07 pm - Fall River, MA
DIDDO to everything that Annie said. Why is that when we purchase a new car, we ask all kinds of questions about it's reliability, it's gaurantees, it's motor, tires, parts etc. but when it comes to our own bodies we take what they give us??? don't settle, I know I don't. Ask away and make sure you get the answers you need. Annie is right don't worry about people liking you. You are just another patient to them and in a weeks time they won't even remember your name! If you don't get what your looking for then move on to someone else who will give you the answers. Stay positive and I will keep you in my prayers.
sherry K.
on 11/25/03 10:57 am - boston, MA
Thank you for all your good suggestions and thoughts. You are right. I have to advocate for myself. If I don't who will. I am use to being a good girl, but that is why I ate. Thanks. It is about progress not perfection.
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