Thanks Donna
I am thinking that even 1 or 2 people getting together would be a sucsess. I mean even if it's to meet and walk a mall for exercise or grocery shop / cloth shop ect. I think there is a need for it, I know that just the online support has helped me alot and the phone calls are wonderful ! Peabodys 45 minutes from me, maybe one night I could visit your group and if we've got a couple people here we could car pool together for a visit. I know there are people on this site that need this as much as I / We do. So come on everyone come out of that shell and lets start supporting each other.
Thanks again
Blessings, John
I am thinking that even 1 or 2 people getting together would be a sucsess. I mean even if it's to meet and walk a mall for exercise or grocery shop / cloth shop ect. I think there is a need for it, I know that just the online support has helped me alot and the phone calls are wonderful ! Peabodys 45 minutes from me, maybe one night I could visit your group and if we've got a couple people here we could car pool together for a visit. I know there are people on this site that need this as much as I / We do. So come on everyone come out of that shell and lets start supporting each other.

Thanks again
Blessings, John
I'm DEFINITELY IN!!! I'm sure Kimberly will be too (she lives close to us) she's not on right now cuz she just had her surgery Monday!!!! Oh and I a have a non-board member friend that had RNY a few weeks ago who lives in Milford... She's IN! So that's 3 + you of course!
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help put this togeter!
BTW..... HOW YA DOING???????????????
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help put this togeter!
BTW..... HOW YA DOING???????????????
Awesome, I'm really excited about this, I know we all need to help each other and most of the groups are so far away. I will look for a place starting today if you can talk to the others and give my some nights and times or even days that are good that would be a great help finding a place to hold it. On another note I"M FEELING GREAT ! Thank you for asking :) Talk to you soon