pain question

on 1/29/11 7:25 am

I will be having my bypass on Feb 8.. at Emerson Hospital so if you  have had surgery there and would like to share your experience that would be great.  I am having so many mixed feelings because I am nervous..  After the surgery is over and you are moved to recovery area is pain medication given prior to them waking you up.  I am also wondering at that point when you wake up how was your pain? I know people have different response to pain so answers will vary.  Thanks

on 1/29/11 11:44 am - Franklin, MA

I had my RNY on Monday (the 24th) at Tufts... Weird but it's all pretty much a blur, I don't remember waking up in the OR just in the recovery area. I can honestly say I don't remember "pain".  What I do remember is there was a pain pump clicked to my johnny... I just kept pressing it whenever I remembered too... not sure I "needed" it.  At Tufts as in most hospitals they ask you to rate your pain 0 to 10 (with 10 being excruciating), I recall Monday night being a 6 then Tuesday morning I was a 4, I left on Wendesday and was a 2 which was completely tolerable... sort of like a common muscle ache.  

I'm assuming no matter where you go the staff does not want you to be in "PAIN" but of course you've got to consider what we're putting our bodies thru!  It's not going to be a complete walk in the park, you'll have your moments!   I remember a slogan (not sure the source) but it reads something like: Pain is Temporary, Results are Forever.

 Congrats on you big day!!

on 1/29/11 6:28 pm

Thank you. and thanks for sharing your experience.  Congratulations to you and continued success on your journey.


on 1/30/11 5:05 am, edited 1/30/11 5:06 am - MA
Everything was a blur at first to me too ... I woke up in the PACU and kept saying I had to pee really bad .. they kept telling me go ahead, just pee (didn't realize I had a catheter in LOL) and I was so afraid I was going to pee my pants haha!

The pain the first night was pretty bad, I couldn't get comfortable and kept pressing the pain button. Granted, the medication is on a time release so no matter how much you press the button you won't always get it (damn it! lol)

The second day the pain was much better. The first night and the most of the second day the nurses will have you up and walking around your room or the hospital floor... this is absolutely crucial that you get up and walk. After that the pain subsides a little. I didn't have much pain when I went home. You will be sent home with a rx for painkillers too, don't worry.

At home I was in pain the most when I tried to go to sleep. I always sleep on my side so it was difficult to do that because of the incisions. Also, I would sink down into a big comfy chair to watch tv and when I would try to get up that would hurt a lot. Everyone is different for pain. I know some people who never even took one painkiller after surgery and then I know others who took them all. I did take mine, but had some leftover as well (boy those came in handy with I came down with a case of the mumps lol.)

Best of luck on your surgery and I wish you a speedy & non-painful recovery
 HW: 286 SW: 253 CW: 167 GW: 150 
on 1/30/11 6:21 am
Thank you Kate.
Penny V.
on 1/30/11 10:12 am - Orleans, MA
I, too, had my surgery at Tufts. I woke up in pain and the pain pump was there for me. You won;t wake up in the OR - I remember the nurse coming to me and telling me to relax. I did and that helped. And, again, the pain pump will not allow an overdose so every time you think you need pain meds, PUSH IT.

It was tough getting up and walking.  The biggest thing I remember is the dry mouth. The swabs helped some but I brought Biotene mouthwash with me to the hospital. It really helped. I remember asking the nurse if it was okay and she asked if it was swallowed. TOld her you just swich it in the mouth and she said it was okay.

Good luck with your surgery! I look forward to welcoming you to the loser's bench - it is a great place to be.

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