Medical Alert Bracelets/ID's
Mornin' everyone !
I see a lot of posts on the Main Board and RNY Board on whether or not we should have medical alert bracelets. I feel that half of the posters say they get them and half say they don't. I came across this website where you can print out a medical alert card to put in your wallet if you don't want to get a bracelet ... thought it was kind of neat. I printed one out and I'm gonna laminate it (I got a laminator for x-mas years ago ... thought I'd never use it! hah!)
Here is the website if anyone is interested ...
Oh, and for medical conditions I put
RNY - Gastric Bypass
No NSAIDS/No Blind NG Tube/No Sugars
I see a lot of posts on the Main Board and RNY Board on whether or not we should have medical alert bracelets. I feel that half of the posters say they get them and half say they don't. I came across this website where you can print out a medical alert card to put in your wallet if you don't want to get a bracelet ... thought it was kind of neat. I printed one out and I'm gonna laminate it (I got a laminator for x-mas years ago ... thought I'd never use it! hah!)
Here is the website if anyone is interested ...
Oh, and for medical conditions I put
RNY - Gastric Bypass
No NSAIDS/No Blind NG Tube/No Sugars

HaHa - just had to share w/ you .... I had a dream last night about medical id bracelets!! The website I was looking at the other day had a really nice silver bracelet w/ green designs on it. I really liked it. Well, last night in my dream, I ordered the green one but a red and orange one came. I was so mad and got really upset and started crying! Crazy!
I have been meaning to get a bracelet and have not done it yet but will this week I promise!
I might carry a card in my wallet but I think the bracelet is the best way to go.
In an emergency and if you are unconscious or unable to speak EMTs/ER's may begin treatment without looking in your wallet..your wallet may be lost in the emergency , car crash, fire etc.. If you are wearing a bracelet you are more likely, IMHO, to get the proper treatment. just sayin'...
I might carry a card in my wallet but I think the bracelet is the best way to go.
In an emergency and if you are unconscious or unable to speak EMTs/ER's may begin treatment without looking in your wallet..your wallet may be lost in the emergency , car crash, fire etc.. If you are wearing a bracelet you are more likely, IMHO, to get the proper treatment. just sayin'...