help combatting nasea
Hey all....just wondering the best way to combat constant nausea after eating....drinking...
also is there any way to make the protien only pahse more tolerable? I think all the protien is making my wife sick (me I am still on shakes...possibly transitioning tomorrow!!!)
I just feel terrible tht she feels so crummy....thsnkdfully there is a support group tomorrow that we will definately go to....
Thanks and happy sunday
also is there any way to make the protien only pahse more tolerable? I think all the protien is making my wife sick (me I am still on shakes...possibly transitioning tomorrow!!!)
I just feel terrible tht she feels so crummy....thsnkdfully there is a support group tomorrow that we will definately go to....
Thanks and happy sunday
what stage are you in? I didn't tolerate protein at all the first couple weeks. My surgeon told me just to keep trying different shakes (none worked), and broth etc, and then just focused on making sure I was getting enough liquids. They really want to make sure you don'r become dehydrated mostly during that time. Also, he had me drink G2, and Powerade 0 to make sure I was getting in some sodium since I couldn't drink any protein sources. As soon as I could eat mushy foods, I was in heaven and the nausea went away!!!! Good luck!

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