Help! I've started on my first snacking binge

on 5/10/10 11:47 am - MA
Oh no!!  I've been wicked bad tonight .. over the course of a few hours I've had about 3 protein bars, a bunch of almonds and some crackers & hummus.  I feel like absolute **** - I can't believe I'm doing this.  My stomach isn't telling me I'm hungry but my head hunger is coming back and rearing its ugly head.  I can't believe I'm doing this      This is exactly what I did pre-op and I do NOT want to head back in that direction.............

Ok, my ranting is over ... lol
 HW: 286 SW: 253 CW: 167 GW: 150 
on 5/10/10 12:01 pm - Bridgewater, MA
ughhh I soooooo get this !! First you realize it - so that's a plus and your choices were at least decent one (minus the crackers of course !) It's done so you have to let it go and start again tomorrow - we all make mistakes - hopefully we'll learn from them !

So I guess my advice is to let tonite go - don't want to beat  yourself up - feel bad - and eat more ! I tend to find when I get this way - I try to drink more and / or do something to keep myself busy - it's a constant struggle though !!

Good luck and know that we're here !!

 Highest (that I know of) 285  Weight when I started the process 277
Night before surgery 263
  Goal weight 160

Smile ! You'll make the world a happier place !
Inspriational video "Strive for Perfection, Settle with Excellence !
OH Support Group Leader
Susan M.
on 5/10/10 12:40 pm - MA
Definitely don't beat yourself up about it.  The only thing to do right now is think about what triggered the snack binge.  were you bored or upset about something?  Head hunger totally stinks...I battle it all the time.  Also the fact that you don't feel well now will help you to keep in check the next time you want to go on a binge. 

hope that helps!
on 5/10/10 11:45 pm - BROCKTON, MA
hey mamma your not alone i fget like this alor and have to stop my self just like what lisa says your not alone remember its a learning experience yes weve lost weight yes were smaller but in reality were still human and sometimes its head hunger sometimes were really hungry, so YES be upset but let it go just go full force harder the next day. hope this helps bu in allhonesty i feel you 100%
on 5/11/10 8:10 am - MA
You ladies really are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you!!

I think I'm more worried that I didn't dump or that my stomach didn't feel uncomfortable at all - that's what scares me more than anything.
 HW: 286 SW: 253 CW: 167 GW: 150 
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