What insurances accept the lap band surgery in MA?

on 3/18/10 3:10 pm - Wareham, MA
I am trying to get all the information I can about WLS and so far, the lap band seems like the best thing for me. The problem is I have neighborhood health plan and the woman on the phone practically laughed at me when I called an asked if they cover it. They DO however cover the gastric bypass, but I'm scared of that one. Did anybody else get the lap band in mass and what insurance did they have? Was it an indidvual plan? A lot of people say that unless your on a employer's plan, you won't be covered but there HAS to be someone that has gotten it on a individual plan.
Sue M.
on 3/19/10 12:00 pm - Nantucket, MA
Because gastric bypass is considered the "gold standard", it's covered more often.  I have Tufts, and I believe they would have covered the lap-band if I had chosen it.  I don't know a lot about individual plans, but hopefully someone else will!

Best of luck!
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 3/19/10 12:06 pm - Wareham, MA
Thanks :) that definitely gives me something to look in to.
Cathleen S.
on 3/20/10 1:15 pm
When I had my lapband put in Tufts paid for it...Blue Cross Blue Shield is paying to take it out and convert it to the RNY.... long story short... do not keep a fill that is too tight. GOOD LUCK!!!

                            ~Any reality you can imagine~


on 3/20/10 3:43 pm - Wareham, MA
When you had Tufts was it an individual plan or did you get the insurance from your job?

I've been trying to get more info on tufts but my silly adobe reader won't work right grrrrr...
Cathleen S.
on 3/21/10 2:49 am
It is my understanding thst Tufts has moved to only covering the Band. They also require a 6 month "I can Change"  diet plan that is monitored by nurses that call you at home and encourage you to exercise and eat right. My mom went through it for her surgery in 2007 I had my surgery in 2006 before they made that rule. You can call Tufts and speak with them they will tell you exactly what they cover and what the requirements are. I was insured through my employer. I also encourage you to really research before making a decision. I am by no means a band hater I LOVED my band when it worked and did vry well with it. I just never lost what I needed to lose and in attempting to continue down to weight loss I kept a fill that was too tight, had to get unfilled and after that could never get a fill that didn't give me reflux or cause me to vomit with every meal. I still have weight to lose so I am having the RNY. Good Luck to you on your journey. ~Cathleen

                            ~Any reality you can imagine~


on 3/21/10 4:33 am - MA
hI Cathleen...I had a band and had it taken out too..almost same number of years as you.
lautz put mine in and took mine out as well.
Good luck with your revision at the end of the month.
Cathleen S.
on 3/21/10 6:09 am
I love Dr. Lautz, in his defense he did try to steer me toward the RNY to begin with. I have every confidence in his ability to see me through this weight loss journey until the end! I have seen a few others in our boat too who started with the band. I would love to know more about how your journey with the RNY after band is going. I heard the RNY is a bit different for those of us who convert from the band!...Thanks for the good luck wishes!

                            ~Any reality you can imagine~


on 3/23/10 7:39 am - MA
I was one of the first 25 people to get the band at the Brigham in 04.  But at that time..I was too afraid of the Gastric bypass.  I do know now...unless someone is hellbent on getting the band, they do steer people to the GB.   Newton Wellesley does not do the band at all. they don't believe in it.
on 3/21/10 12:13 am - Quincy, MA
When I got my lapband surgery back in 04 I had insurance through work, just recently in november when I converted to gastric bypass I purchase my own insurance and have BCBS and they covered it with a little bit of persuasion from my surgeon. 

The choice is really up to you which surgery you prefer but make sure you have all the "real" information you can get about each surgery and make an educated decision, not one based on fear and lack of real knowledge.  I am not going to bash the lapband at all, but I dont feel theres any reason to fear the gastric bypass either.  Any WLS has risk, they all have benefits, and you need to really look at each surgery and look at what type of eating habits you have and which surgery will help you be the most successful for long term weight loss.

If you have any specific questions about either surgery.... this is a great place to ask, we are all brutually honest and don't sugar coat anything.

I hope this helped...


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