Review of Chatila's Bakery in Salem, NH
So I was in the neighborhood of Salem, NH on 12/30 and decided to swing in and pick up some New Years goodies for me. If you don't know already, Chatila's bakery is a SUGAR FREE bakery right on the border of New Hampshire and Massachusetts! This bakery also ships ALL over! So, if you don't live in the local area you can still give them a try as they ship everywhere in the United States.
I purchased the following:
-Chocolate Etoile (pastry)
-Boston Napoleon (pastry)
-New Generation Chocolate Chip Muffins
-Whoopie Pie (pastry)
-Vanilla Walnut Gluten Free cookie
-Chocolate Gluten Free cookie
Pastry web link:
Muffin web link:
Cookie web link:
Nutrition Information web link:
To order their products online instead of picking them up, here's the their online ordering website:
A quick review of the items I ate are below:
Chocolate Etoile was decadent and rich. I ate off of it for a couple days. Truly a chocolate overload, in a GOOD, very good way!
Boston Napoleon: I ate the entire Napoleon, INCREDIBLE! The boston cream was incredible. I must admit I ate it too fast and suffered (but it was worth it, but I won't eat it that fast ever again!).
Choc. Chip Muffins - delicious. I'm eating one as I write this. (I bought a 6 pack and kept them refrigerated!) The muffin texture is a little different due to the Organic Almond Meal flour they use. However, it's an incredible tasting muffin that actually has 7 grams of protein in it! Carbs are low for a muffin, they come in at 14 grams for the entire muffin! I can eat about 75% of it. The pouch digs it!
Whoopie pie: This was very good, it tasted like the real thing to me. However it's big, so I was eating little slices from it over a day. I think you could put a platter of these whoopie pies out and the kids and grown ups would not know the difference!
Gluten free (also sugar free) cookies were just so tasty. They're not a chewy cookie, more like a dry cookie. The two flavors I had were very tasty and simple. I think I will order these to have in the house for me. One cookie satisfied my pouch. YUM!
So, when I find something great like this I want to share it with the local and global WLS community. I'm not receiving any compensation for suggesting this bakery... I just was so happy with everything I bought that I had to share it with you. I'm hopeful you will find this helpful.
Happy New Year everyone!
Now if sugar free bakery items are a slippery slope for you, then don't visit the bakery. However, I like to share things I find with the MA Weight loss forum as I hope people will share neat things they find with the board. This I think makes us a true community.
By the way, I have not taken your comment as putting me down or making me feel bad. I'm happy with my behavior. I think buying a few treats for the holidays, enjoying them, throwing away what I did not finish seems like a normal thing that normal people do - that have normal relationships with food. :) The old me would have eaten all of that stuff quickly and still have eaten a ton of other food and not exercise. For me, to eat a few bites here and there over days (with the exception of the Napoleon, I will be more careful the next time) is great. I have not craved any of it since. So, it's been a win situation for me.
Have a happy new year and if you decide to visit the bakery let me know what you think. :)

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