You had better get off your ass.
The Walk From Obesity is a mere two weeks away!
Why haven't you joined Team MM to walk with us?
Hell, if someone from California can join, you can, (okay, so she joined by accident) I see you sitting there in Southeastern Massachusetts, saying, "Oh, but I can't walk that far, I have to wash my hair that day, my cat is being neutered, I'm a hermit." Sorry, that doesn't fly. I want proof. And, really, you cannot physically melt in the rain, if it does rain. We walked in it last year, piles of us wearing sexay trash bags.
Nor does your stupid, "But I've gained 20 lbs and I really can't drive that far, because I am likely to implode."
That's my excuse, but I am coming anyway.
Get up off the couch, close the laptop and walk with us. If you simply refuse, then support Team MM with a donation.