Are you coming?! $$$ off code!
Would you go with me?
*swoon* See, that's just how driven to distraction I am. I wrote a post title, and got shuffled off into the video from the concert, and starting singing, and what was I going to tell you?
Oh, that's right. The Obesity Help Event in Rye Brook, New York. I'm gonna go. If we can, Mr. MM is going to come too and be introduced to the world that he only hears about. Muhahahaha. We're close enough to hop on a train, but he says we might drive and try to grab a day in the city. "Try," because we're going to need a sitter or four.
Want to go? Use this code for $$ off your ticket, "MMRYE" It's like MM on Rye, I'm a sandwich. If I were a sandwich, what kind would I be? Chicken salad with spiced nuts and cranberries. Oh yes.
REALIZE Band on 02/20/09 with
Just send me a plane ticket, and I'll send YOU $5 :). How does that sound?

It's not a sign of weakness to seek help when you need it.
The only sign of weakness is NOT to seek the help you need.
530/428.6/363.0/200 (High/Surg/Cur/Goal)
7.0cc in my 9.5cc Band (Sweet Spot) - Winning my Battle Against Obesity Thanks to Weight Loss Surgery

REALIZE Band on 02/20/09 with
I just follow you where-ever you are.
Sure! I have LOTS of good cheese here!
I just follow you where-ever you are.
Sure! I have LOTS of good cheese here!

It's not a sign of weakness to seek help when you need it.
The only sign of weakness is NOT to seek the help you need.
530/428.6/363.0/200 (High/Surg/Cur/Goal)
7.0cc in my 9.5cc Band (Sweet Spot) - Winning my Battle Against Obesity Thanks to Weight Loss Surgery

Because you seem to know so much !! I figured I would ask you - For the event in NY - do we have to stay in the hotel they are recommending ? Generally I know on these types of things - we can stay whereever but just wondering because the cost is really low - was wondering if the hotel stay was a part of it ? Thanks for any info.