im a loser

on 7/22/09 10:18 am - Worcester, MA
i made it through. when im less tired i would love love love to write about my whole experience exp for robyn and mara who go in soon. robyn, i sent you a text, didnt know if you got it. right now im feeling a little irritable (lucky me got my period during surgery) and my house is a little tense. the worst part of the surgery itself was waiting to go in. it was only like 2 hours but it seemed to take a year! i will definitely update the whole story on my profile when im feeling more up to it. the surgery itself went incredibly well. i passed through into the OR at 1:30pm woke up in recovery at around 6pm and was walking by 9pm. i only walked 2 rounds around the area of the hospital but it was enough to feel good but enough to wipe me out. i couldnt have been luckier with the nurses i got. one of them even got into the shower area with me while we were both fully dressed just to help me wash my hair cuz it was all knotted and itchy. thats above and beyond for me. one burse came in on the first night that i was all groggy and tired and itchy and she came and just rubbed and washed my back forever, just because. really, without the nurses like the ones i had it wouldnt have been nearly as wonderful as an experience. right now things are a little stressful at my house, we are getting ready to move and my mother is up helping and jordan is on a toddler rampage now that mommy is home so bear with me as my writings and thoughts may seems totally out of sorts. anyway the incisions hurt, i wont lie about that, but they're more sore than anything. id say they are more uncomfortable then they are painful. if you dont get up and walk a lot right from the beginning it will be even harder to do!!! anyway, the past two days are a blur i slept, walked, slept, "drunk" dialed some friends when i couldnt sleep at 3am. let me tell you, the push button every 6 minutes of dilotted (sp?) is wonderful!!! well anyway im home now and lots of gurgling going on in my stomach and im still having a hard time figuring out when im full. so i just eat a tiny bit and leave it at that. although i never recommend drinking water too fast. it hurts!!! im hvaing a tough time because i came home and saw all the things my son was eating and i felt like i wanted it and could eat a ton, like mac and cheese and peanut butter crackers etc... id like to assume this is mental hunger? i dont feel physically hungry but im almost waiting for the sudden change that i anticipated coming with the surgery... like not wanting certain foods, feeling actually full, etc. so any advice from right out of surgery that people may remember im all ears. partt of me almost feels like nothing is different, and youd never know unless you opened me up and looked inside. so we checked out what i can eat these next 3 weeks and we bought out carnation unstant breakfast (in the blue box) our sugar free jello, v8 juice, and broth... although i cant help but walk by my sons mac and cheese and want to snag a hidden bite but i know better. ok i will be more than happy to write my whole experience on my profile, just give me a while to straighten out my head, robyn, feel free to call me with any questions.

Sue M.
on 7/22/09 10:24 am - Nantucket, MA
WELCOME TO THE LOSER'S BENCH!  We're happy to have you!!

Yes, all the "hunger" you are feeling is head hunger.  Just keep sipping your drinks.  Definitely measure any food/mush you try to eat, since you will not feel full for a few weeks. 

I'm so glad to hear your hospital stay was filled with attentive nurses and no complications.  The best part of the next few weeks is that in 6 months you'll hardly remember (that's why we blog/journal/etc). 


Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 7/22/09 9:27 pm - West Boylston, MA
OH Jill, it's great to hear from you! I have been thinking about you all week!!

My cell phone is dead and I left my charger at work. I will check out the text message today at work.  I would love to call you but you're in the midst of recovering and moving...I really hate to bother you. Maybe I will text you at lunch today to see how you're feeling.

I'm glad to hear you had a positive experienceat Umass. It helps calm some of my fears!

I will connect with you today or tomorrow, work is soooo crazy and I'm trying to clear up everything so I can be out for 6 weeks to recover! It's just crazy, I could work morning, noon and night trying to get everything ready. Ugh the stress.  :)

Talk with you soon and remember to take it one day at a time.  :)


Highest known weight 268 lbs.
Lowest weight since surgery 115 lbs.
Currently maintaining at 125 lbs.

My RNY has saved my life and given me a new life!

on 7/22/09 10:56 pm - Taunton, MA
I'm sooo glad you posted.  I'm gald to hear your home and recovering.  It's 2 weeks from today that I go and get my guts rearranged..  I'm looking foward to sharing our journey together....
Rest Rest Rest.... take care of yourself
Melissa M. 
HW 250/SW 217/CW 117/ 1st GW 133/ 2nd GW 117
        Reached my goal!!!!!!  
on 7/22/09 11:24 pm - Fort Myers, FL
VSG on 02/18/15
Hope you are feeling ok and that you are back soon. I look forward to reading about the events. Miss Ya on the board.

on 7/23/09 5:51 am - webster, MA
awesome update - so glad all went well!  every day will get better and i haven't met someone yet who has said it's all not worth it.  still waiting on my call for an appt with dr. kelly...waiting and waiting!  i will be at the meeting tonight for any umassers to meet up!
on 7/23/09 11:18 am - West Boylston, MA
I keep forgetting to attend these meetings since I have water aerobics class on Thursday nights.  Maybe next month I will remember and I can meet you there!

Highest known weight 268 lbs.
Lowest weight since surgery 115 lbs.
Currently maintaining at 125 lbs.

My RNY has saved my life and given me a new life!

Mara C.
on 7/24/09 12:03 am - Millbury, MA
YAY --- You are home and YOU DID IT!!!  I am so happy for you!!

Sounds like you are doing great, keep up the great work and just follow what the dr's told you to do, I have no doubt you will be great!

Don't worry too much about the move, your being there Mom and the stress of it all....  It's going to happen, your husband and Mom have it covered, it will all get done one way or another and be fine.  Try not to focus on that stress, let them take care of all of that.  You focus on resting, walking, sipping, and hugging your son.  I am sure your son is wondering what's going on with Mommy sore tummy, and packing up to move etc... just focus on reassuring him this is a wonderful thing "the move" and you will forget the stress a little.

Hang in there, they say it get's much much better!!!

Thank you so much for letting us know how you are doing and how it went, I very much appreciate that!  I am still waiting to get the call to meet with a surgeon... what takes them so long??!!!

Take care, I will check your profile for the whole story when you are feeling up to rush! ~ Mara

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