Weight loss progress

on 7/17/09 11:07 pm
I am down 32 lbs from my highest weight. I lost 10 lbs in the 4 weeks since my 2 week post op appt. So total about 30 lbs down since surgery 6 weeks ago. I feel discouraged when I see the other losses posted here. I mean if I really worked hard at it I could have lost 2 -3  lbs a week on a good diet and with a personal trainer. Not that I ever did but....

I haven't been doing much in the exercise arena, esp with the crummy weather, so I am going to try and make more of an effort for that. My diet is good, its bumming me out a little.

I know everyone loses differently but still.....

Also its hard to gauge a lot of the weight losses on her since most use bmi, not pounds.

on 7/18/09 3:42 am - Bridgewater, MA
I know it can get discouraging - but you say you have lost 30 lbs. in 6 weeks !! That is an average of FIVE lbs. a week - I think that is awesome !!! Please keep up the good work - add the exercise  and keep going !

 Highest (that I know of) 285  Weight when I started the process 277
Night before surgery 263
  Goal weight 160

Smile ! You'll make the world a happier place !
Inspriational video "Strive for Perfection, Settle with Excellence !
OH Support Group Leader
Susan M.
on 7/18/09 6:12 am - MA
30 lbs in 6 weeks is great!  try not to get discouraged, everyone loses at their own pace.  You can't compare your weight loss to someone eles's

Keep up the good work!
virginia O.
on 7/18/09 11:45 pm - haverhill, MA
You are doing very well!  As everyone else has said, everyone loses at his/her own pace.   I know it is difficult, try not to compare and just look at your own progress.  Keep up the good work.   ginny


on 7/19/09 5:00 am - Watertown, MA
my NP told me to look at my average rate of loss, because it's normal to lose in "chunks" - lose some, then stall some, then lose some more.  She said at my BMI (which is on the low end) i should be losing around 3-5 pounds a week to start.  Last time i weighted was at 4 weeks and sure enough, i am averaging 3 pounds a week.  Not the lightning fast results i'd like to have, but it's probably a healthy rate of progress, and certainly far better than i've ever done on my own.

My diet is pretty good and my exercise is good, so i can only attribute falling at the low end to my chronically low metabolism.  looking at how much i'm eating and what i'm doing for activity, it's pretty obvious to me why i was never able to succeed on diet and exercise alone, not while holding a full-time job to boot.  i needed a tool like RNY just to achieve a relatively normal rate of weight loss.

5 pounds a week, depending on your starting BMI, is either very good or fair to middling probably. 

RNY 6/16/09 - Last weighed 10/27/2011 weighed 151 lost 52 pounds  66% toward personal goal  of 125, six pounds from unofficial unpretentious goal of 145lbs......basically very happy.   boo-rah, RNY!

on 7/19/09 1:07 pm - rochester, MA
hello...I had  lap. surgery  r y bypass...on may  5th -- lost 22 lbs. may...june...lost  11 pounds..

and july....lost 4 pounds..... 4-6 wks. prior to surgery lost 10 lbs.

  It seems to be going so slow..  start 248  lbs.  current   210.. 38 lbs. two months and two

weeks..  isn't that slow...

  wondering what brands supplements individuals finding that works best...I have cvs calcium chews..and cvs chewable spectravite..  started with a b 12 sublingual supplement..was
wondering if should add iron chewable.  I feel very tired all the time.  Have hard time getting
in 60 grams of protein daily.  Take shakes 2-3 times per day.  What are others doing
specifically to get their protein in daily?

on 7/20/09 10:40 pm
I add in protein powder to the carnation instant breakfast and I can have protein bars now so I am going to get some of those as well. It is a struggle to get in all this protein! I struggle with it as well.

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