Private rooms available at NSMC?
Pardon me for sounding like a complete princess
... but I can't do a semi-private room!! I am the worlds lightest sleeper and any little sound wakes me up. I sleep with a crazy loud white noise machine by my bed to drown stuff out at home.
My poor DH was in a semi-private for his first night and didn't sleep at all at BIDMC. We were able to move him into one the next day and he did sooo much better.
So any NSMC/Salem folks out there? Please give me some hope!! Girlfriend needs some zzzz's post-op!!
Princess Kim

My poor DH was in a semi-private for his first night and didn't sleep at all at BIDMC. We were able to move him into one the next day and he did sooo much better.
So any NSMC/Salem folks out there? Please give me some hope!! Girlfriend needs some zzzz's post-op!!
Princess Kim