UMASS Worcester

i was told 6 months at my intake. i know someone who started in may and then surgery in jan. her husbans also started in jan but no sx till march. i just think it is 6 months to a year depending on scheduling. it seems so far away! i "started" so long ago - but my offical intake was dec. 5th. i imagine over the summer at some point, but would LOVE it to be april-ish.
wish i could help more! go to the monthly meeting tho - dr. kelly hosted this one and it was very informative!
best of luck to you.
Hello! I had my surgery at UMass. 6 months sounds pretty accurate to me. The only reason it may take longer is if you end up gaining weight during your process. By the end of your pre-surgical skills group classes, they want you to have lost weight ... even if it's just 1 pound below your intake appt weight. I had my intake appt with Dr. Gitkind on 9/17/07 and my surgery date was 3/24/08, so that was about 6 months. 8 months if you count the fact that I went to my "Orientation Meeting" in July and then the "Surgery Information Meeting" in August.