anyone at Tufts medical center with bcbs????
well I got my official letter from Tufts medical center this morning ststing the drs will no longer be accepting bcbs insurance and now I feel like I left in the dark!!! I am so upset about this because I now feel like my post op has just gone downhill, I dont have a support group to go to after february 1st because it was a small group covered by insurance and now I cant even meet with my surgeon March 10th for my 3 month post -op I am not in any position to be paying cash for any of this my copayments kill me as it is...well just wondering if anyone has any ideas if they are going through the same thing
I guess we are in the same sinking ship. I don't know what to do either. I soooo glad my NUT appt in the last week of Jan. I also have my surgeon appt in March and would really like to see him ???????? Hopefully they figure this out. Let me know if you find a support group to go to.
Can anyone suggest one to go to. Tufts is NO help !!!!!
This site is great but I would like a group to go to as well. UGGGGH
well I am going to go to the support group on Monday at 6, and maybe they will have some kind of system and I am also trying to find out if the large groups are still going to be going on in the wolfe auditorium those are free so we will see....did I read before that you were going to be going to the monday night group??? hope so so I can have a face with the name well talk to you soon
this bcbc thing is just a rouse to get bcbc to increase payments to Tufts NEMedical. If all the bcbs patients left Tufts NEMedical...Tufts NEMedical would need to layoff thousands of staff, and there isn't capacity at the other inner city hospitals to accomodate patients/primary care docs etc.
Hang in there ....this will get settled. Remember Tufts health plan not permitting patients to use Patner's doctors several years ago? Just hang in there. Its a strategy of Tufts NEMedical.
Hang in there ....this will get settled. Remember Tufts health plan not permitting patients to use Patner's doctors several years ago? Just hang in there. Its a strategy of Tufts NEMedical.
I also have BCBS, but I do admit the timing sucks
Need to get my annual blood work, labs, etc, done and maybe a upper GI, fill etc. BCBS always ****** me off. When I had my surgery, at the last minute they did NOT cover, so I had to self pay. I tried to appeal, did all the paperwork, basically they just wear you down. Moved on -- not worth a 3 year battle always asking for more paperwork documentation, etc.
Agree with Joan, it is a stand off between BCBS and NE Medical Center - Tufts. Hope it will end soon.

Agree with Joan, it is a stand off between BCBS and NE Medical Center - Tufts. Hope it will end soon.