
on 11/10/08 10:39 am - hyde park, MA
I had lapband surgery on 10/23.  The lapband surgery went well but my heart rate went up.  The surgeon throught that she nicked my kidney.  A reinal surgeon was called in,  he open me. Everything was fine.  I had to be in ICU for a day and stayed in the hosipital 3 more days.  I have since been diagnosed with pheochromocytoma.  This is the reason I have had high blood pressure.  A tumor is on my arenal gland.  I will be going in for more surgery soon.  If I did not have the lapband surgery the chances of me being diagnosed would have been slim to none. I think of having the lapband surgery as saving my life. Pheochromocytom is rare and even rarer in people of color.   
on 11/10/08 11:43 am - Townsend, MA

An unexpected miracle, at least. Good luck on your upcoming surgery and recovery.

on 11/10/08 9:32 pm - MA
Hi Sandra, I am glad you were in good hands at the Brigham. I am sorry you need to take a detour during your band surgery...but you have a great attitude about this. You are young and you will heal up in no time, and then can concentrate on the pheochromocytoma.  I will pray for you that that surgery goes as planned. God does move in mysterious ways!

on 11/10/08 11:59 pm - hyde park, MA
Thanks,  I am feeling well and looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.  I am off my blood pressure medicine.  I am taking another pill in preparation for surgery.  I haven't had a heart papaltation since surgery.  I have also lost 37 pounds so that might have helped.  I am just looking forward to being done. 
on 11/14/08 12:42 pm
Hi Sandra, I'll be Praying for you. God Bless you. You will be in good hands I'm sure.. Hugs to you.. Alizka

 1st goal to be under 200. Done!  2nd goal to be just obese. Third goal is to be under 170 by Thanksgiving 2009. I Pray I can make it. I know the Lord will help me through this.  

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