Atkins shakes
I have about a case and a half of Atkins Shakes, 15 gm of protien per shake, about 18 shakes all together. I can't tolerate them because I'm now lactose intolerent. If anyone wants them and wants to pick them up, there yours. I live just south of Worcester. Let me know :-)
Count your blessings, not your worries

Hi I live just south of boston and would be interested. I will actualy be traveling out that way to the Breezy campgrounds? next weekend and could re-route my trip to get them if you haven;t had any other takers already. I haven;t even had surgery yet- re-scheduled for 10/1 but will be on the liquid diet thing again for 2 weeks prior. How much? Andrea
I Andrea, the waterslides? I don't live too far from there..they are free..just want them to go to someone that needs them. Keep in mind that I also bought these before I had surgery, and I couldn't drink them after because I am now lactose intolerent, but your welcome to them.
Count your blessings, not your worries

You think they are good to have prior to surgery on the liquid diet part? They basically told me Carnation sugar free instant b-fast would be a good staple to have and I like them so I figure I will be fine on those but if there is a shake to grab and go- that works even better. Maybe you could pm me and we can set up a date and time for me to come and get them. I would be coming out there next friday and leaving on Sunday so would like to pick them up on sunday if at all possible. I don;t want to hold yo up from anything so you could just leave them on your stairs or something if that works?
Are you sure- I am sure they weren;t cheap? I keep thinking that I willbe saving so much $ with not eating sdo much but the shakes and vitamins, etc arenl;t cheap for sure. You let me know and don't be shy about it becuase I really appreciate it.
Are you sure- I am sure they weren;t cheap? I keep thinking that I willbe saving so much $ with not eating sdo much but the shakes and vitamins, etc arenl;t cheap for sure. You let me know and don't be shy about it becuase I really appreciate it.