Red Sox vs Yankees
Hi Guys,
Funny husband and daughter went to the game Friday night and my daughter wore her Yankee hater baseball cap, and she got A Rod to sign it! I told her I said, " he is a beautiful man, but I never said anything about brains" Everyone around them was loving it!!! my daughter is an avid red sox fan, but has a soft spot for A Rod as of this weekend!!!!!
I'm with you on no softness for the Yankees Jenn. There are some Yankees players that I can say I respect eventhough they play for the Evil Empire but A-Rod is not one of them. I am to glad the we re-signed Mike Lowell. A-Rod would be a disgrace to a Sox uniform and I firmly believe he will curse any team he is on.
I think he probably thought it was a Regular Yankee Hat!!!!
That would be worth a lot on E-Bay.....LOL....LOL...hang on to that one Kid!!!! Did he know it was an official Yankee HATERS HAT?? If so, what a fool he could be made to look like.
.....Sorry, Just my Yankee Hater side coming out!!!!
Congrats on the Autograph!!!
I believe he thought it was a yankee hat, because alot of people give her grief when they see the hat and think it is a yankee's hat, then she explains it is a yankee hater hat! A Rod on his defense was very kind to all the kids, but the jack<.% Johnny Damon was rude and wouldn't sign anything. Oh well it is a fun joke!!!!! and something she will treasure forever.
I think that is an AWESOME story....and If you don't have it copywrited, I will use it!!!
I wish you could post a picture of it....I would LOVE to see it.....
You can always send it to my e-mail of [email protected] just put OH in subject line so I will open it!!!!