Does the hunger come back?
11/19/07: Lower Body Lift with auto-augmentation on buttock lift, Breast lift with Auto-Augmentation, extended brachioplasty with Axilla repair.
02/25/08: Vertical Thigh Lift, Lower Face Lift, Fat Grafting.
When you have restriction or lack of hunger it is the best thing in the whole world. I was 43 when I was banded and couldn't believe this is how the majority of society feels. When you aren't hungry, you make better choices and aren't always looking at carbs or candy as the devil tempting you. I would say I stopped opening and closing the cabinets all day. Also, say on a weekend, it would be easy to realize that at 6 pm I might have eaten minimal food..busy all day and not the monkey on your back begging you to eat. It is incredible. My band is empty (a leak) and I can't wait to have conversion surgery to the Rny. Go to the support groups..they really make you realize in your head why you are having this surgery. They really make you feel you are not alone in the process. They help you see where you want to go/where you want to be, and when newbies join the group you realize how far you have come. I will be rejoining group. Also, the Nutritionist who runs the group typically has a f planned topic or forum for the week-so it is not a free for all. Sometimes seasonally to make choices at a cookout, how to prepare and survive the holidays, how to eat while vacationing, etc. You leave with valuable pertinent information. It just isn't a love/hate/complaint /questions session. Good luck, and maybee we will bump into each other at some point. Joan