Sick Again!
I wish I knew. If it is in my house, then I don't know where it could be.
With the daycare here, I wash my hands constantly (my hands are so dry from washing them so much). I bleach my table tops and counters several times a day with that clorox bleach spray. I use lysol on all the door knobs and light switches, and use those clorox wipes in the bathroom to wipe down the sink and toilet daily.
I would think if I had this already, I would be immune to it now. I just wish I had an answer. This is no fun and not the way I wanted to lose weight. The weight I lose through diarrea, just comes back on when I'm feeling better again and can hold down fluids. It's so frustrating!
Praying for good health!

Feel better Kendra!
Did you eat something different today? I know when my best friend had camphlebactor infection (similar to ecoli) she had trouble with milk shortly after...she actually became lactose intolerant because her intestines were so angry from being infected...I'm reaching here because I feel bad that you're sick again, but it sounds similar? Granted, that wouldn't explain why the baby is sick too...hmmmm
Good luck...Hope you feel better sooner! You don't want to be sick on your b-day!
Hi Jenn,
You know I was wondering the same thing. The only thing I ate that I hadn't had in a long time was a tuna wrap from Subway. But my son had one too and he's fine. So I don't know.
The baby is doing better, but now my oldest has the flu and an ear infection. It never ends in our house.
No I do not want to be sick on my birthday/easter. I want to be able to enjoy the day with family and friends. I'm hoping this passes quickly whatever it may be.