The Drain balloon after surgery.
Umm.. went to my final grp meeting the other night and met with one of the surgeons from my office. He had mentioned the catheter and a drain site after surgery.. OK, I wasn't told about a drain site! When i first started , my Doc said 5 sites of wounds, now its 6. I'm not against this of course... They need to do what they got to do... but I was a little 'eww'd' about the drain balloon... I am not looking forward to this,. esp when they remove it. I wish I hadn't been told about this last minute, bnut then again.. if I knew... I was of been stressing longer.. Oh well. What's it like? I'm affraid of yankin it out by accident, ack!
You can't yank it out by accident. For me, it was the only incision that was a little tender. If you get stuck on something (ie clothes), it will hurt a little. Mine was removed the day I was discharged and when it was removed that was a really weird feeling and made me feel like I was going to
, but I didn't and the feeling went away almost immediately. Once it was out, the incision didn't bother me at all.
Hope this helps,