1st Appt Done & Over
Okay so I had my 4-5 hour appt today at NWH! Good thing I brought my homework to do...geesh that was a long day. I met the nutritionist, behavioral therapist and Dr. Gazmuri. Everyone was great. Renee the RN was awesome and Dr. Gaz answered my whole big a$$ list of questions. I am so looking forward to changing my life
I'm so excited!!!

Good to be exciting... Dr Gazmuri I like him a lot. I met him several times before surgery at the meeting. He is cool and I met at at the surgery day of mine 11/19 he was great he comfort me..He said I be in best of hand. He saw me at the recovery and he hold my hand and he said you did it and you are so brave!!
He saw me in the room....He said no rush going home...stay put he was great. He explain my surgery and what happen and it was unexpected so I had to stay longer almost a week...
M y surgeon was Sta ana... But I think Dr Gazamuri was there to help...
I love them..
It will go by fast...
Megan W butch074