Fears and Confidence
Hi, I had many second thoughts related to what might happen. After attending meeting, reading stories and hearing from people on this site I finally came to the conclusion that each case is completely different and if you prepare properly and do as directed things should go all right. The only hanging feeling I had left was that I was changing something that was natural and who was I to do that. I did get over that. Now each day (9 days out) seems to be getting better. I am down a total of 28 lbs and feeling better each day. T-Day did not bother me and I even did the cooking without any real frustration. They had pies and I had sugar free pudding, they ate everything and I had a few choice selections blended in my machine (taste was still there). I am just beginning to feel the excitement of my old self. I wish you luck and keep thinking positive. Rich
Hi Niddy, I think it is completely normal to have thoughts and concerns when you are making a life changing decision. I think we all probably did - in some stages probably more than other stages. I had a few abdominal operations previously - appendix, partial hysterectomy and two C sections. This was a cake walk in comparison. Not to say no pain and no healing - just not nearly as much as an open surgical procedure. I was comforted and helped by many people on the boards, most of whom are on the Massachusetts board because I felt they were in the same state as me. It was the answers and guidance here that helped me the most to make my decision, prepare for the surgery and be successful.
Many people are very successful with the surgery and it is likely you "hear or read" more about the problems because people come in for support when they are having trouble. I went back to work (desk job) two weeks after surgery and have had maybe three issues with trying new food since I got home. Nothing that I would classify as horrible. I have to go to dinners and luncheons with some frequency at work and even these events have been fine. I had Thanksgiving twice focusing mostly on turkey with gravy and having a bit of vegetable, chewed quite a bit, no problems. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week, sometimes more and have lost about 42 pounds total. My blood sugars are normal and I have not taken any diabetic meds since the day before the surgery. Follow the rules, ask people for advice when you feel confused, walk as much as possible and you will do great! Anxiety is normal in my opinion. Julie

Starting: 291 Current: 223 Goal: 140
Surgery on Jan 2nd, 2008