So Much for NWH hello Fallon???
Okay well since I started back at school I had to go on Masshealth for my insurance. NWH only takes Masshealth Standard and I have Masshealth Fallon which is NOT Fallon Select (which I had 3 months ago when working full time ugggggggg) so I can't have the surgery there unless I drop to Masshealth Standard. Well, the only prob with that is I heard that Std Masshealth requires a 6 month supervised diet, in which case I could just keep my appointments with the Fallon doctors and do it at St Vincent's where all my records are. Any words on how the program at Fallon is? I probably won't get it done during spring break, but I'm really not in a huge hurry. Maybe the waiting is better
If anyone knows anything about the 6 month supervised diet or about the program at Fallon, please let me know.
Thanks a bunch,

Okay, lol time for me to stop jumping the gun over here...Thanks to the last reply, I have spoken to NWH and the do take Network so I am going to switch to that insurance and they said I can definately work around having the surgery in March during my spring break. I am not gonna get all whooped up though until I get the insurance switched so I may go to either hospital. I am so glad I found this site to help me on this journey to good health.