What is a sleep study?

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 12:59 am
Revision on 04/17/12
I know a sleep study is to check for Apnea but, what exactly  do you have to do? I'm kinda nervous for this, and do ALL MA doctors require this test before your surgery? Where are they done? At home? I want to do Lap Band.
on 10/11/07 4:44 am - MA
They are usually done at a hospital .. you'll spend the night.. they'll hook you up to a machine that will monater you while you sleep. Most doctor require a sleep study to test for sleep apnea. Where are you going threw for surgery?
Panni removal on 8*31*09~11lbs of skin removed!
353/324.5/299/180/165.. At ultimate goal! on 8/31/09/current 155lbs!!! 9/8/09
high/consult(4/18/07)/surgery weight/hopeful goal/ultimate goal
Surgery date 12/04/07...299 lbs... Ticker is from consult date.

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 4:50 am
Revision on 04/17/12
I'm not really sure yet.  I am soooo new to this still. I'm just in the beginning of it all. I'll be going to the first information meeting next Thursday with Dr. Glasgow.  I dont know much about him though.  I didnt realize there was so  much that needed to be done before you can even get a durgery date. I was hoping for Feb. vacation while the kids are out of school for the week, but dont know if thats possible.  I guess we'll find out soon enough!  Thanks for your reply!
on 10/11/07 5:12 am - MA
Not a problem.. feel free to ask questions .. everyone here on the Massachusettes board is great .. and trust me I've asked my share of questions.
Panni removal on 8*31*09~11lbs of skin removed!
353/324.5/299/180/165.. At ultimate goal! on 8/31/09/current 155lbs!!! 9/8/09
high/consult(4/18/07)/surgery weight/hopeful goal/ultimate goal
Surgery date 12/04/07...299 lbs... Ticker is from consult date.

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 5:18 am
Revision on 04/17/12
Thanks!! That means alot knowing there are so many great people out there that have been through this already and willing to help. 
on 10/11/07 9:10 am - Agawam, MA
Welcome, Jenn! ;-) You don't have to do anything for the sleep study - except sleep! You'll be in a private room in a sleep study lab, and will be hooked up with all kinds of monitors and do-dads so they can monitor your breathing, sleep patterns, wakefullness, movements, snoring, periods of apnes, etc. If they find you have sleep apnea early in the study they'll probably wake you up (just had  mine recently - woke me up after less than 2 hours!) place you in a CPAP mask that fits snugly over your nose (the techs were great - give you time to get over the weird feeling before leaving you alone), and then observe you and do their measurements for the rest of the night. My surgical group requires it - it's a good thing - many people don't know they have it; it can be life-threatening; and it's a indicator for WLS. I'm going back for another night at the "Sleep Hilton" to be fitted for my mask. I'm also in the evaluation process for a Lap-Band; we can chat anytime if you want to add each other to our friends' list and we can help each other through?

on 10/12/07 12:35 am - MA
Hi Jenn, Welcome to the board. I just wanted to say that my doctor did not require me to have a sleep study done. I'm not sure why some do and some don't, but mine didn't! Good luck on your journey. Angel
on 10/14/07 1:37 pm - Holden, MA
Alot of Dr.'s do require it. Mostly it depends on whether you neck is bigger than 16 inches around. The fat around you neck is usually the cause of sleep apnea. You can be obese though and not have a large neck line. I hate to tell you this too. Most likely you won't be ready for WLS by Febuary. Most places have a program you need to go through and some even require some weight loss before surgery. My program requires you to attend 2 informational meetings, go to a bariatric assemsment /medical clearance appointment, meet with Nutrician and behavioral medicine individually, start official weight loss of 5-10% of your body weight, attend a 6 week behavioral group therepy, And meet with Nutrician once a month until weight loss goal is acheived. Once you've completed all that then you get approved for a consult with the surgeon and get a surgery date. In all it could take me anywhere from 4+ months to get surgery depending on my comitment. Not all programs are as tuff as mine at Fallon Clinic, but tough programs get better long term sucess. And I have friends that have gone thru the program and they are doing great and feel the program was worth it. Their is also good surgeon out of UMASS Worcester Dr. Kelley. He is renouned in bariatric surgery. Also there is a good program at Newton Welsley Hospital (NWH). Those are the programs I've heard good things about.
(deactivated member)
on 10/14/07 11:24 pm
Revision on 04/17/12
Oh no, I wasnt ready to hear that. My fear is that the doctor wont even do it because I'm not big enough.  I am so ready for this and wont know what else to do if the doctor tells me I cant have this done.  I am 5'2" and about 190lbs. I have honestly tried every diet out there....TWICE or more.....  Weigh****chers, Slim fast, Jenny Craig,Nurtisystem, Soy shakes, fasting, 3 day diet, 6 week makeover, prescription pills, man, I could go on and on and on.  It sucks being fat, and I know I would do good with the band cuz I wouldnt be hungry which is my biggest problem!!  My husband tells me I'm nuts cuz I dont need it done, but I think he is just being nice.  I want to lose at least 70 lbs. and I know I cant do it without this.  I am 34 years old and we have 7 kids, and I know if I'm not able to do this, I will only keep getting bigger and bigger. I honestly dont know what to do, it makes me want to cry every single day!!!  :(( I understand about going through all the appointments and I'm fine with that, even waiting until after Feb. if thats what it takes, but to go through all of that and then still be told I cant have it done....I'd be heartbroken!!!   Thank you ALL so much for all the answers and advice, it really means alot to hear back from you. :)
on 10/14/07 11:34 pm - leominster, MA

FYI... Without and co-morb's you do not qu for surg your only a BMI of  34.8. Sorry maybe some doc will but maybe lap band but i highly doubt that either. You can try going to a doc but i highly doubt any doc will touch you if your only compaint is being over weight. I wish i weight 190 geeze. and you have to have a BMI of over 40.. or over 35 with go morbs.  Sorry to be a bearer of bad news.

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