Men hmmmp
Thanks for the update - I'm glad Steve is doing so well! Also happy to hear you're doing so great too. I am at a massive stall - in fact I GAINED 3 lbs last week. I am hoping it's just because I've been working with a trainer and stuff is just shifting, cause I still have a long way to go. Give me a call if you want to get together on the 9th!

Gwen - You don't look like you can fly away. The ONLY meeting I brought my husband to was the plastic surgery info session. I wanted him to understand which of the surgeries I had to have after losing, and which I would consider optional. He was great about it. I will of course attempt insurance, but if they don't pay...home equity will, at least for a tummy tuck.
I think you look great and you always have a poistive, caring attitude! Just think how annoyed you might be if your husband had the surgery at the same time as you!? And started losing at lightening speed?
I hope he is doing well - he was a week or so before me.
I'm doing really well actually. I'm a bit sick of jello and broth, but I'm not having any real difficulty with it. I know it's slow crawl back up to food I can chew, and I just look at each day as a day towards chewing. I went to the obesity walk in Lowell yesterday, planning to walk a mile or so slowly. I was surprised to see my surgeon there and she had me do the whole two miles at a pretty good pace. Although I was exhausted in the afternoon I think the walk overall energized me, so i am going out with a friend to the rail trail today to do another 2 miles. It does wonders for your digestive tract. Thanks for all the positive words. All the Massachusetts folks, (mostly women), have been great and very supportive in helping me understand and prepare for what I am going through now. I think that's why I feel pretty good and know what to expect next! Have a great day - the weather looks fantastic. Julie
One of these days I might be brave enough to take a pic of my "wings". Hubby says if I want my arms done go ahead (although I heard it's the most painful), he's all for getting new girls although I wouldn't mind a lift not sure about new ones per say, he says I don't need the tummy done but we'll see I still have about 30 more pds I'd like to lose so we'll talk after I do that.
I joke with him about him losing so fast, I knew all along that he may blow right by me. It's funny cause I think they sometimes need the quicker satisfaction. He's struggling right now w/ the whole pureed thing just wanting to bite into something normal. I am trying to encourage him and remind him that he's 1/2 way there. I worry about him as hard as I think it was for me I think it's even harder for him.
Wow good for you that's awesome doing that far that soon, I wasn't walking that far at only a week out that's for sure. I am doing a 5 mile for Breast Cancer next month, it should be a great day. I'm happy to help in anyway I can, there have been wonderful people from here helping me along the way and I just to do what I can to help others out. Keep up the great work! Gwen