Dr Kasper's office - spfld

Tammi W.
on 7/23/07 7:13 am - Westfield, MA
Has anyone dealt with this office, and especially with Jen - the woman who as Dr Kasper put it "would take care of everything"? I am so frustrated with how things are being handled, I leave messages, no callbacks - I ask if there's anything I can do to help - no answers; I leave them alone for weeks at a time - still no call backs when I do call. This is so unbelievable - I even have a contact at my Ins Co trying to get in touch with them - trying to help ME have them get what is needed for approval. I don't know what to do anymore - I don't know of any other surgeons at Mercy Medical that do this - and I'm not sure I want to go to Baystate - any advice??? Thanks for listening and letting me vent.....I've been approved by the Comprehensive Weight Mgmnt program at Mercy, and ready to go since my 5/8 2nd consult with Dr. Kasper - and I have school starting first week of Sept and a WLS cruise on 9/30.  I was so sure things would be done and over with by now..........


on 7/23/07 7:25 am - Holyoke, MA
I am actually working with dr kasper right now...I have been happy so far aside from the extra long wait in the waiting room. I just had my 2nd consult on thursday and was told "if you don't hear from us in 2 weeks, please call us and will tell you whats happening" Maybe if you schedule an appointment to see dr. kasper and explain to him personally what's been going on, he will help? all i can say is dr kasper has been good to me so far and i haven't had any problems...Mery weight mgmt could recommend a different surgereon or maybe contact them for you. -nate
on 7/24/07 3:24 am - Abington, MA

Tammi, I'm so sorry this is happening to you!  Too bad you're way over at the far end of MA or you could go see Dr. Hess.  His office is extremely efficient and responsive.  The only hold-ups there are in the waiting romm (he let's you talk as long as you need to, so appointment times run over quite a bit) and because he's so popular, there's a wait to get on his schedule.  He's more than worth the wait, though. 

Have you tried emailing/writing/faxing to them?  Sometimes the written word is responded to a little quicker.

Hang in there,  be painfully polite & extremely persistent - they will eventually respond once they realize you are not going to give up!

God Bless, Laurie


on 7/30/07 8:52 pm
Wow sorry to hear this news as i am going to pick him as my surgeon because he has a wonderful rep around this area...Don't let this women with her rudeness chase you away because he is good as a surgeon...call your weight loss center and tell them you want them to call the surgeon and see whats up.....i am going through Pioneer Valley weight Loss Center...is this who you are going through? If so call Maggie and tell her whats going on....
Tammi W.
on 7/31/07 12:28 am - Westfield, MA

Thanks to you that replied - I am feeling a little better about things.  I called and asked to talk to Dr Kasper directly.  He called me back within 3 hours, of course, I wasn't at work at the time.  So I called him the next day, and he called me back within 2 hrs.

He listened and agreed to work through the peer review/appeal process (had my file on his desk).  I mentioned in passing the "no call-back's".......... All this happened last Tuesday - so when I followed up on Friday, (Jen called me back within 5 minutes 2x that day) I learned that its currently in appeal at Cigna.

Now, on to John, my favorite CSR at Cigna - he's researching for me, and I'm hoping it doesn't sit on someone's desk for 30 days with no activity again!  They have 30 days for the appeal decision. Just have to remember, this is worth it - and I am worth it!


on 7/31/07 7:29 am
Tammi, I really believe that Dr. Kasper is worth waiting for.
on 8/1/07 4:53 am
wow,  i have dealt with Jen and dr.K for over 7 years now for various different things, and no one has ever been rude to me, especially Jen.  different insurances require different timetables, especially cigna,and aetna.  Jen can't do anything to hurry them up and it sounds like your blaming her.  I know the wait is frustrating, but remember when you point your finger @ someone else, there's 3 pointing back @ you. Maybe you need to check your attitide.  I would take Jen and Dr. K  even if I had to wait a year.  I didn't get this way over night and I'm not gonna lose it overnight Thanks
Pam M.
on 8/1/07 11:11 pm - Western, MA

I just wanted to say HI and that I'm glad folks from Western Mass are posting.  Sometimes it feels like we don't exist!!! Sorry to hear about your troubles and good luck with your appeal. 

I am not alone, neither are you. 

Tammi W.
on 8/28/07 4:14 am - Westfield, MA
Wow, mag06 - nice to hear from you - and nice of you to point fingers at me - when you have absolutely NO clue about me and what I've been through. I suggest you check your own attitude - this board is for support, and hopefully that is what you get when you run into an issue in the future. As for an update - I was again denied for lack of sufficient documentation - hmmmm, who to blame.....no one - I've taken this matter into my own hands, well sort of - I've involved Gary and he's in  the process of reviewing my files at this point in time. I still have faith in and respect for Dr Kasper, never lost that......we'll see how things go..... Have an absolutely WONDERFUL day!


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