Charlie Weiss Rant
I am so tired of hearing Mr.Weiss whine and complain. This trial should have never happened. We are all made aware of the risks involved before surgey, we all sign a document theyt we understand these risks. He single handedly has messed up many of ppls appointments and surgery dates. My initial visit with \Dr.Ferguson was postphoned because he was at trial that may i add ended so why theres a re trial is beyond me. My date is August 2nd, only 13 days away. My friend says he hopes the case is done with before that because the surgeon could be distracted....Grrrrr didnt think of that. I just hope this sham of a trial ends quickly, dr ferguson WILL be found innocent and ppl get get on with their lives. if i seem cold im im sorry i just needed to rant
Yes, I used to like Mr. Weiss, back when he was coaching for the Patriot's, but have lost all rspect for him since he started this ridiculous law suit. They should never have acceted him into the program in the first place - he refused to attend any pre- or post-op support group meetings, blew off the pre-op diet and in general demanded things his way all along. He was probably one of those nightmare patients who complain constantly, so that when there really was something wrong, they figured he was just whining again. Celebreties!!
More important, YOUR upcoming event - NEXT Thursday!! I'm so happy for you. It was the best decision I ever made and my surgery (thanks to God and Dr. Donald Hess) was a breeze! Can't waite to welcome you over to the "Looser's Side"!
Praying all goes well,
Hi! I'm doing great: walking every day, back not hurting anywhere near what it was, clothes getting so big they're falling off! My total, since my first consult with our dear Dr. Hess is around 96 pounds! My energy level is still not what i would like, but much better than it used to be. Tell me more about how your life has changed! Email is [email protected]. God Bless, Laurie