thowing up
Hi Selin,
Hope your feeling better, I am not sure what damage throwing up does. Hopefully you are feeling better. I was reading your other posts regarding pain and gas. I have had gas pain and terrible rumbling sounds. I have been taking Gas X and it seems to help also walking seems to relieve a lot of it too, but it does seem to be pretty constant no matter what I drink.
ttys Noelle

Hi Noelle,
Today is Monday morning and I feel like a whole new person...I ended up having togo to the hospital Sat. night, come to find out I was mouth was so dry and I felt like my head was swelling up and my eyes were popping out of my head....I guess thats why I was throwing up and so nausiated (sp) Saturday.
But since then, I have been drinking a lot and once in a while eating something no bigger than the size of my thumbnail.....Not sure why, but I do it 3 or 4 times a day, just chew really well, and it makes the world of difference for me....I just got to the point, FOR ME, I couldnt just do liquids anymore...
I dont take my pain meds anymore and I go walking...NOT TOO, just around the neighborhood....But I do feel great and thank you so much for asking....
HOW ARE YOU DOING? the rumbling was kinda fun, the burping...oh well...ha ha...I sometimes see how loud I can make the grumble coming out of my
Keep in touch and I'm home today to so If youre one here later, write me back....
hugs and warm wishes....Selin
HI Selin
Thank goodness you went to the hospital, my doctor said dehydration is the #1 thing that people end up in the Emergency Room for.
I am doing good drinking my liquids and tyring to get down some protein shakes, it is not easy and the gas is tough.... I am still a litlle sore not on any pain meds since I came home. so we wil see
thanks so much
feel better
love Noelle : )