Dr. Hess Questions!!
hi brady girl, I just recently(4/3) had my surgery. lost 33lbs. so far. they are very organized with their appts. if it is written down you can be sure they are all set. do you have dates for appts.? Your weight loss before surgery depends on how much you weigh. i was right on the border of meeting the requirements so they did not require me to lose any weight but i did. i had lap banding, i was concerned that i would go nuts not being able to eat what i wanted, but i really don't have as much desire to eat as i did before. i forget to eat. which isn't good either. i have to remind myself to eat more often. its wonderful!!!!! imagine having to make yourself eat. dr. hess is awsome.
helpful hind: keep a special calender with all your appts. just for this. it will help you stay on top of all you have to do . it can get a little hectic if your not organized. pam c.
Hi, I had my sugery with Dr. Hess last August 2006. I go into Boston Medical Center and have found their appointments are usually right on time. I do not know for sure but suspect the amount of weight you need to lose depends our your weight going in. I went there in Nov 2005 at my heaviest 450lb and they wanted me to lose 50 lbs to get down under 400 lbs. I tried really, really hard using Nutrisystem and lost 30 lbs and Wendy (the nutrionist) let me move to the approval process. My sense was that yes they wanted me to lose weight but also show the effort/understanding was there of the need to as well. Also of course I was able to show I was not gaining either... and eventually being able to mantain was important for me too. I am sure others will tell you how great Dr. Hess is. I do not like many folks in the medical profession but I do like and respect Dr. Hess very much. He did my surgery laposcopically (spelled wrong) where another top Boston Hospital told me that I weighed too much and would have to have an open insicion. Best of luck! Terri Grant PS. A funny joke between another friend of mine who had the surgery with Dr. Hess is... only there can you get on the scale, weight in at 450 lbs and have lost 1/2 pound and have people be SO happy :-)