Hello there, I am sending you a hug and a smile. I am off on a little "long weekend" a much needed get away.... after having surgery, myself, last month. not gbs..... I had that in 2005.... but ps on skin removal of the breasts..... YAY!!! Anyway...... I know you probably wont be reading this post for a few days.... but I want you to know that I am thinking of you, and i wish you the best! I will be away from computers until next week, unless i can get to an internet cafe. I know that you will do well though and please keep coming back to these message boards and go to as many meetings as possible!!! Support, pre/post is nothing but the most IMPORTANT thing you can do!! I am so glad we are becoming friends. Please feel free to PM me anytime with ???s. I may not have the answer you are looking for, but I will always do my best to guide you in the right direction. hugs! J. xo