I got my consult appt.
Hey Hollie, The consult day is a long one but it is so much better than having to go back a bunch of times to get your meetings with the nut/psych etc in. There are usuallu people at all different stages in their journey in the waiting room so it is really nice to be able to chat with them and see how they are doing. Give a yell if you have any questions. I have really been so happy with the practice at NWH. Hope all goes well with your consult.
Take Care,
It comes and goes so quickly! That first month seems to poke by though while you enjoy a liquid diet. But here I am 11 months later and I can't believe it has gone by so quickly. I've lost 120 pounds and I can't even imagine going back. You will do great! I love NWH and the dynamic duo. YOu will be so happy there.