What is the best protein bar???

I am 4 1/2 years out and the BEST protein bar, bar none (pun intended) is the Detour bar. It tastes like a Snickers bar and has a lot of protein, I can't remember but I think like 20 g. It is still very filling for me, you probably could make it last all afternoon. I used to cut it into 4 pieces and nibble on it. They are about $2 apiece but so worth it. Also, for protein drinks, my favorite is Pure Protein and they are pre-made, come in delicious flavors, like grape and fruit punch. You can pick them up in any supplement store. Very yummy. I don't rely too much on protein supplements anymore, except when I had a hard workout at the gym, I use the supplement to replace what I use up when working out. Good luck!