Calling all MassHealth patients
Hi everyone
I need to do a survey of MassHealth patients to see who WAS and who WAS NOT required to do a 6 month supervised diet before getting a surgery date. I do NOT want or need your name or other identifying information. You can send it through my OH profile privately, through this message, or through my email at [email protected]
What I need is:
1)the name of the hospital you went to,
2)the year you went,
3)what kind of MassHealth Plan you had (for example, BMC, PCC, Neighborhood Health Network, or any other)
4)were you asked to switch plans for the surgery, say from Neighborhood to BMC, and if so, from and to what?
The reason I am doing this is that I think I may have stumbled on a possible way to prevent some denials or waiting periods.