Approved! And ?? About MGH Program

on 5/15/07 10:27 am - Waltham, MA
Hello All, I'm relatively new, I've only posted once or twice. I'm going to MGH for my surgery. I went 6 weeks ago for my intake evaluation and went back today to see if I was approved. Well, I was, but now I have a decision to make. I asked for and was approved for the Lap Band. But, the doctor is trying to encourage me to consider changing my mind and having a bypass instead. He said they do a lot more bypasses and not very many Bands, and that they're not that crazy about the Band there. They don't think it has a very good track record for losing and keeping the weight off. I've been hesitant about the bypass, mostly because it's much more drastic a step and is not reversible. So now I'm not sure what to do. I still feel hesitant about the irreversibility of the bypass, yet on the other hand, if I'm going to have surgery, I might as well have the one that has the best chance of success. Yet I worry about the higher incidence of risk with the bypass. The doctor said not to worry about the risk. It's minimal. So, has anyone else faced this dilemma at MGH, and what did you decide? Thanks, Tracey
on 5/15/07 11:24 pm
Tracey - It is a difficult choice and please take lots of time before going against your initial feeling. That being said, I just had by-pass at MGH in February. When I started seeing them 1.5 year ago I was dead set against surgery. I worked with Sue *******s (NUT) and she clearly explains why there is a bias at MGH for the bypass. It still took me months of hearing all the pros and cons to move forward with the higher risk option. You need to keep talking to people. Dr. Hutter, the surgeon, is the resident lap band surgeon and did not present his biases to me. He explained the 2 choices clearly and said I had to make a decision, he couldn't make it for me. Besides the physical differences in the surgeries, it also involves lifestyle choices and upfront risks. You need to discuss all those issues with the dr., NUT, and therapist. One thing that concerns me from your note is that the dr. dismissed the bypass risks as minimal. That is a negligent comment and you should ask to have a second opinion. Maybe that particular dr. is not the right fit for you. Good Luck. Michelle
on 5/16/07 12:18 am - MA
Hello, Im not going through MGH but I did have the same dilemma. I went to a new patient instructional meeting at NWH and was all set with my decision to have the lap band. At the meeting, the Dr. explained how they do not do the lap band and listed the reasons why. I was completely shocked/disappointed, because I was (at the time) dead set against gastric bypass. The thought of the whole thing just scared me. But as the Dr. explained why they dont do the lap band, then explained how minimal the risk would be for gastric bypass, I made my decision that night. I was going to have gastric bypass. I knew it was drastic, but when weighing the options, I agreed with the Dr. about bypass being the better solution for me. It is a very personal decision and you cant let anyone else make the decision for you. So, take as much time as you need to really think about what it is you want. My mind was made up when I left the meeting, and now Im scheduled for surgery next week. I am still completely happy with my decision. I dont know if any of that helps, but I thought I'd at least put it out there that your not the only one whose gone through this. Good luck. Ashley
on 5/16/07 5:19 am - Yuma, AZ
I have my surgery (Bypass) scheduled for Aug. 21st through MGH. Have you been to a seminar yet? Because when I went to mine they mentioned that they do not normally reverse lap band...they have done one or two, but they don't like to do it. That is what got to me...when I originally went in (March 7th) I was all for the lap band for a lot of reasons, but one was because it was reversable. Then when the surgeons said they do not like to reverse them, it helped with my decision. I am not saying they do not reverse them, but from what I was told, it is not as commanly done as we think it is. I also changed my mind due to other health issues that I have, the lap band would not be a good choice for me. Saying that...Bypass has to be a good 'fit' for you. As well as Lap band. I have found MGH very helpful and informative. I bet if you called and asked to discuss if further they would be happy to hook you up with someone. Good luck!
Peg G.
on 5/16/07 1:48 pm - Methuen, MA
Hi Tracey, My name is Peg and I had OPEN RNY BYPASS November 30 of this year at MGH. Let me first tell you that I have been very dissapointed with the aftercare I am receiving there. After my surgery, I did not see my surgeon once while I was in the hospital. The care in the hospital was not very impressive. I always had to ask for my medications and even the Instant breakfast I was supposed to automatically get every few hours. I couldn't wait to get home where my family could help me when needed. As far as the Weight Center is concerned, I bet you saw the same intake Dr. as I did. The comment that the operation is a minimal risk is absurd. It is a very major surgery. Anyone that says it isn't should not be practicing.He seemed very bored with his job. Did not keep accurate records in the computer and can't seem to make a decision on his own. He always passed everything off to the surgeon or just told me not to worry about it. My wound dehissed (opened and was infected). It was about a month and a half after surgery and he kept telling me it was fine and not infected. I also heard this from 2 of the other surgeons that I asked to see there. I was told to take a shower and let the water run in the wound and wa**** with a soapy facecloth.I was very frightened about the situation so I went to my own PCP. He immediately had me go to my local hospital where they have a Wound Clinic. They did labs and found I had 2 different types of infection, and the wound was not healing the way it should have been. I was placed on an antibiotic and had a visiting nurse come to clean and apply medication, then pack the wound. I shiver when I think what might have happened had I not gone to my PCP. I just went for my 6 month check-up with the surgeon. They couldn't find my records so he just winged it. I was with him for 7 minutes. He never even laid a hand on me, much less LOOK at my wound. It was a joke. There are so many other things I could tell you about, but I'm already rambling! I will never recommend this Weight Center to anyone. The best thing you can do for yourself is research your options very thoroughly. There are tons of information online. I would also research other hospitals. I wish you the best of luck with whatever decision you make. Peg -78 # with great difficulty.
Noelle R.
on 5/18/07 4:39 am - MA
Hi All, I am new on here, and am scheduled for surgery on June 18th at Winchester hospital. I too had gone to MGH in June of 2005. I went to be put on a weight regiment and the Doctor tried to convince me the surgery was my only option. I was very disappointed because I was not ready, I was totally not expecting to be pushed into it from one of the best hospitals in Boston.......they definitely minimized the risks. In February 2006 I asked My Primary Care what he thought about the Gastric Bypass surgery and he said well you have a lot of research to do and it is not the easy way out by any means. I asked whether he felt I should go to Mass General or Tufts NE Medical Center, that is when he referred me to Dr. Darius Ameri at Winchester Hospital. he told me he is one of the best and does the surgery laproscopically. So I began researching the surgeon, Dr. Ameri. My first visit with Dr. Ameri was at his support group. I was completely amazed at his honesty, compassion and true sincerity. I had been to many other support groups in the Boston area. Most were informational explaining the actual surgerical procedure, the surgeon goes through a slide show for about a half hour and the meeting is over. Dr. Ameri's group is for two hours. He explains the surgical procedure as well as all the pre & post-op information. He explains everything in detail good and bad. He doesnt sugar-coat it and doesnt leave one stone un-turned. So you leave thinking do I really want to do this? He answers all your questions and also has patients there that had the surgery anywhere from 2 weeks prior to 2 years and more. thanks Noelle : )
on 5/18/07 7:39 am - Waltham, MA
Hi Noelle (and everyone else who has replied): I haven't attended one of their info seminars yet. I have to do that at their next one on June 11. I missed the last 2 because of having to pick up someone at the airport at the time of the April one and having a migraine the day of the May one (earlier this week). I have to get to the next one if I have to drag myself there on a gurney. I also haven't met the surgeon yet. The doctor I met with was an evaluation doc that works in the center. I'll be a lot more comfortable making a decision about whether to switch to another facility after I meet with the surgeon. I can't make that decision just based on the doc who evaluated me. His preference is for the bypass, and that's what this center specializes in, but one of the surgeons there is very enthusiastic about the band, according to him. So I need to pick a surgeon and meet with him/her before I decide if I want to change to another center. MGH does have a great reputation, although some people have had negative experiences with them. The next step in my program is to attend the seminar, and now that I've been approved, I'm waiting to hear from my case coordinator, who I will meet with, who guides me through the process of selecting a surgeon from their group of surgeons and setting up that series of appointments. My expected surgery will be anytime from June to August, most likely, depending on which surgeon I choose. I've done a great deal of research and soul searching, and I've decided to go with the Lap Band. I've spent a lot of time in the past few days on, and have just been amazingly impressed by how much it has changed people's lives. So, while I don't judge anyone who has chosen the bypass (I have several friends who have had it, and it has profoundly improved their lives), I have decided that the bypass is not the right choice for me. So now I feel that at least the burden of that decision has been lifted. I felt really distressed over it for a while. I feel confident in my choice and now I can't wait to move forward and get this show on the road. Thanks everyone for your input, and I'm looking forward to getting to know the folks here. Tracey
Noelle R.
on 5/18/07 11:39 am - MA
HI Tracey Thanks for responding, That is awesome you made a decision and if you are confident in your decision that is all that matters. MGH is the best hospital in Boston for sure, but I do think it depends on your doctor and surgeon. So you are right go meet with the surgeon and you will know what is best for you. Only you can make that decision. I wish you the best Good Luck and keep in Touch Noelle : )
Pam M.
on 5/22/07 7:33 am - Western, MA

I'm a firm believer that surgeons are just like any other business, they're going to sell what they like to do best.  While Lap Band is less common, there are surgeons out there that "push' it in the same way many RNY surgeons "push" RNY.  If you can find a surgical consult that shows you the pro-Lap Band view, you'll be in a better position to make the best decision for you.  I'm sure there are, but probably much rarer, surgeons that are honest about all types of WLS options. I was assisted in my decision by a weight loss doctor, not a surgeon...who made absolutely no profit in either choice (honestly his profit comes in the period before you get surgery and somewhat afterward).  He explained to me there's an ideal patient for each type of surgery and to figure out which I aligned with most.  For me that was lap band, but if I were older and done with child-bearing...I'd have easily fit into the RNY category. And certainly if you decide to go one way or the other...stick with the surgeon that "likes" that surgery best.  I've heard quite a few horror stories of folks who have doctors that bash their decision post-op and make their experience very sad and humiliating.

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