I got a date!
Gonna Be A Skinny Lady
on 3/27/07 12:04 am
on 3/27/07 12:04 am
July 03, 2007.
I'm so excited, I have preop testing 06/27 and blended diet review 05/24. Now I'm NERVOUS!!!!!
You know what's funny... I am such a pessimist. Instead of thinking how HEALTHY I'm going to be and how many health issues in my life are going to disappear and how GOOD I am going to look...
I keep thinking what I'm not going to be able to eat?!?!?!?! WTF is wrong with me????? HA HA
I'm SOOOOO Nervous now. Is that a normal feeling?
Congratulations! I remember how excited I was when I got my date. Now you can start planning!
It is so completely normal to be nervous! I was really nervous once I had a date - it finally began to feel real. The good news is you have 3 months to adjust so by the time your date rolls around you should feel at peace with your decision. I thought I would be a wreck the morning of surgery and I was completely calm - very unlike me. I chalk it up to having plenty of time to prepare.
My biggest challenge during this time (between getting the date and having the surgery) was staying on track and not eating my way to surgery. If you gain weight, Dr. P will not be happy. My advice to you is to pretend the surgery is next week. If you want to do "last suppers" space them out and remember you will not miss your favorite foods after surgery! (at least I don't yet at 3 weeks out).
Hi Christina,
Congratulations! How wonderful for you. I can understand your nervousness, and I am sure most everyone taking this journey has many bouts of fear and nervousness. You are not alone - that is why I find this board is so helpful.
I too had my first visit on 3/14, but with Dr. Gazmuri. I haven't heard anything from the office :-( and I was wondering how they contacted you? Letter or phone call?
I am sending good thoughts your way regarding your surgery...
Congrats! That's awesome news. I agree w/ Kathleen about the eating thing although I didn't have much time to prepare between when I got my date and my actually surgery. Moderation is key, have a little you do not have to deny yourself but don't over indulge.
It will be here before you know it, NW is a wonderful your in goods hands
Congratulations! I understand completely about the mixed emotions. I've been having them, too. Then I remembered that since I'm on the pre-op diet (I chose protein-sparing fast), I'm not eating over those emotions any more, so I've just got to deal with them as they come up. It's okay to doubt, but if you've done your homework and listed out all the the pros & cons, the way to go is simple to choose. Know that we are all here rooting for you and praying for your success. Please remember me in your prayers, too, my surgery is 4/24.
God Bless,

Congratulations! I had the same fears as you are having now. It is normal. I am now 3 weeks post-op and couldn't be happier. Every time I weight myself and see the scale go down I know I made the right decision.
We will keep a seat warm for you on the losers bench.
Also, on Saturday, April 7th I am trying to get a group together to walk and talk. You are welcome to join us. It is going to be at Burlington Mall at 9:00.
I will post a reminder at the beginning of the week.
Good luck,
Gonna Be A Skinny Lady
on 3/28/07 12:54 am
on 3/28/07 12:54 am
Sounds like a plan lady... I don't know where Burlington mall is but I'll find it...
Also I chose July because I will be able to have the summer off from work (I work at a school) to fully recooperate and focus on myself, so yes it is a long ways away (I think the practice was booking into May) but it's the best decision for me.
Also some more news, I think my chuletta boyfriend is going to propose?!?!?!?!