new girl
The only way to change ins. carriers is to wait until the annual enrollment period with your company...(usually this is in November). When you change companies, you'll have to start all over again (possibly, depending on the new carrier).
The new rule is a pain, and several doctors I've talked to don't think Tufts will keep it, because it's too difficult for patients to adhere to. I wish this didn't happen for you!

I don't think there is anything you can do about this. Many insurance companies have a requirement of following a medically supervised diet or program for 6 months. This is what my insurance company required me to do. I would just get started and follow their guidelines incase they change or not require as long of a program. Putting your time and effort in a loosing battle when you could be started on their 12 month program. I know it is frustrating but I don't think there is anything you can do to change it. I know most surgeon's in the area are not happy with this. If many people from the medical feild join together they may see some changes. The insurance company are not going to make changes for patients. Just my thoughts. Keep your chin up and the time will go by fairly fast. Best of luck!