APPROVED by surgeon... moving to the next level....
So i met with the team today... psych nut and Dr. Partridge.... they think i am a great canidate since i am soo young they think its a good idea...and they made another appointment for me for march 16th... so i have 4 weeks to loose some weight and show them i am in it for the long run... and they said surgery should be scheduled for April/May!!!! Im so excited....I cannot wait to be healthy happy and skinny hahah.... Only thing that sucks is i have to have a sleep study done... im kinda nervous about it... i dont think i have sleep apnea but they wanna rule it out... i dont think ill sleep in a weird room with cords all over me lol... but ill do my best.... my sleep study will be on feb 28th at 9pm... who wants to join me hahaha....
Good for you!!!
I am at that level RIGHT now and for some reason I got a little comfy and wasn****ching or changing my eating habits.. I AM NOW and it is difficult but I'm in the right place
I have a follow- up appointment friday (with the dietician) and I was to lose 5 to 10 pounds and I've only lost 3 so I have some work to do this week!!!