My appointment today..... appointment today went quite well. I met with the Nurse Practioner and she went over some medical questions with me. She then examed checking my lungs...weight...measurements. She asked me a lot of questions! Finally she said that it doesn't look like my wait will be too long(because I was smart and was told by someone
to have these tests done before I saw her
to speed up the process. She said the next time she sees me on the 6th of March....she will refer me to the surgeon! I just have to have my PCP fax my results to their office. She said that someone from sleep study will contact me sometime this week to schedule the sleep apnea test
I then saw the Psych...I was REALLY nervous about that at first because I didn't know what to expect
I thought he would have seen me in an office...but then they placed me in a regular examination room! He asked me a lot of questions and went over my answers on my original packet. He had me subtract 7 from 100 until I had to start using my fingers! During our conversations...he told me 3 words and wanted me to remember them....and that's when he asked me some more questions and asked me to count backwards by subtracting 7 from 100 again....then he asked me the 3 words and I couldn't remember them for the life of me...I only remembered one. So he repeated them again...and thank goodness I remembered them this time
So over all things look good so far. I asked the Nurse when did she think I could have the surgery and she said as soon as I meet the surgeon things will go fast. I said "Do you think by April"? and she said yes! I am so happy!!!!! Sorry to bore you with my day...but I couldn't think of anyone else who would understand my excitement. Now I have to decide on whether I want the RNY or the Lap. Thanks for listening.