honesty is the best policy! people that post a menu and don't post honestly are only hurting themselves. You'll get better with your protein and water, it just takes time

I love getting in extra protein with drinks ie. drinkable yogurts and protein shakes! Dannon makes a good carb and sugar control 6oz drinkable yogurt. they come in 4 packs you can get them at market basket for $2.99. Theres 60 calories and 6 grams of protein in 1 bottle. I get in atleast 2 a day if not 3!
As far as water goes.. I bought a Nalgene 32oz. bottle at EMS in Nashua. I fill it atleast twice a day and know I'm getting in atleast 64oz. of water. I fill it before bed too so if I wake up at night I'll take a couple sips before going back to bed. Water definately helps with the weight loss!
heres my yesterday in a nutshell:
Drive to work - Drinkable yogurt
Snack - Achiev One w/ extra 10 gr of protein
Lunch - stuffed cabbage (ground beef, brown rice, tomatoes in cabbage)
Drive from support group meeting - drinkable yogurt
Dinner - took more shredded beef out of the freezer eating that along with the other 1/2 of avocado
exercise - chilly day, but no rain! walked 30 minutes this morning.
vitamins... just took them
water.. on my second 20oz, will drink another before going home and then a 32 oz bottle before bedtime!