I don't want to get my hopes up.....
on 12/18/06 2:11 am - Boston, MA
on 12/18/06 2:11 am - Boston, MA
I'm just starting to look into this procedure but I don't think my insurance will cover it.
My BMI is 37 and unless I have another weight related medical condition, I won't qualify for coverage. My last physical was squeeky clean. I have a good 75 lbs to lose to be considered a healthy weight but for whatever reason, my body hasn't felt the effects of my weight. Never had problems with blood pressure or cholestrol. Diabetes does run in my family but I've never had a problem so far. I know I'm very lucky in that regard. I'm still going to the January Information night and hopefully they'll find some way to qualify me. Did anyone else go into this with the same issue? Did you end up getting insurance coverage?

HI THERE. MY BMI WAS AROUND THAT TOO. WHAT TYPE OF INSURANCE DO YOU HAVE? YOU SHOULD CALL THEM AND ASK THEM ALL QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO WHAT THEY NEED. i cheated a little bit on my weight. i won't tell you how but i'm sure you have an imagination. if you want to really know, you can hit the contact button and it's for my eyes only (i think). if you really want this surgery you will find a way to have it, even if it means gaining about 5 - 10 pounds. (that's easy, right). I have bluecross and was approved right away. i am very healthy too. good luck. my surgery is january 16th and it can't get here quick enough. i'm sick of being overweight.
on 12/18/06 2:29 am - Boston, MA
on 12/18/06 2:29 am - Boston, MA
Thanks!!! I just sent you a message! I also have Blue Cross and they've sent me a package of information. I basically need to have 2 weight related medical conditions to qualify and I can't even think of one that I have!!!