Hello there Had my surgery
Hi all,
I had my surgery on the twelfth and so far so good, although there are moments when I wonder if I should have done it..I guess that is normal....Just got home. Could have come home on day two as I was doing so well (got my period while there and that was a hoot on heparin), but was very tired and teary. It is good to be home. My question is how much time can you take not to drink (as if you fall asleep for awhile)...Didn't get much if any discharge teaching so would love to hear from everyone...
Hi there,
Thanks so much! I know it is difficult. My husband and kids just had grilled cheese and tomato soup and it smells so good....I am having trouble going slower with the carnation bkfst...I need to space it out....Is it taking people awhile to get the gist of the supplement vitamin routine? I notice I get a headache every so often that I think may be attributable to not getting enough water sometimes.. And sip sip sip makes me worry that I might get more than the allotted cup a half hour or so, but I am working at it..Walking as well....Good luck to you too! How are you feeling?